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Next Steps: The Dakota Access Pipeline

Jan Hasselman, Earthjustice

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Last week’s court decision regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline was in many ways a major victory for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and its allies, but it is by no means the end of our legal battle.

Over the last week I’ve heard from a lot of people like you who have questions about what this victory means and what will happen next. To help answer some of your questions, I put together this explanation of what exactly the court found and what still needs to be done going forward

  In the short term, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia will hold a hearing this afternoon to determine how it will proceed, including next steps to the judge’s decision on whether the pipeline will be switched off while the Army Corps of Engineers complies with the court’s opinion.


I will be giving an update today after the hearing. You can tune in live on Facebook to learn more about what the court decided.

Regardless of the outcome of today’s hearing, my colleagues and I are still in this fight, and we have a steep climb ahead as we take on this administration.

Thank you—once again—for standing with us.



Jan Hasselman

Staff Attorney