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BREAKING: Trump Issues Massive Prediction, Democrats Hate It

Mark Prvulovic

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President Trump is perfectly poised to make a profound and lasting change to protect the foundation of this country, and it’s something that liberals are frightened over.

In light of how old some of the current Supreme Court Justices are, Trump has predicted that he will be appointing four conservative judges to the Supreme Court in his first term, according to Newsmax.

News sources who had spoken with the President about the topic were told that it was “all about the numbers for him.” With not even a year passing since Neil Gorsuch was appointed to the high court to replace Antonin Scalia, Trump is already lining up potential candidates for the next openings that may appear.

When asked about who he thought would be the next to leave, he mentioned rumors about Justice Anthony Kennedy wishing to retire. After him, Trump thought Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would be next to leave her position.

“Ginsburg,” Trump said simply.

After her, Justice Sonia Sotomayor would be the next judge to leave her position, in his opinion. The 2009 high court appointment by former President Barack Obama, is currently dealing with some health-related problems. She has suffered from type-1 diabetes since she was seven years and acknowledges that “diabetes is a constant part of my life.”

Earlier this year, The Hill reported on a similar topic, acknowledging the possibility of Trump replacing as many as four Supreme Court Justices, something that would solidify the conservative reign over the Supreme Court for decades to come. The topic was of such singular

The replacement of Scalia with Gorsuch–both conservatives–didn’t do much to alter the balance on the court, but if Trump appointed conservative replacements for Ginsburg or Kennedy, who are 84 and 80 years old respectively, conservatives across this country will feel assured that the Constitution will be protected for many years to come.