“It appears the prosecution keeps falling into the pit they dug for the people. Let us see Justice and Liberty for all and dismiss the ENTIRE original indictment against those who came to the aid of their neighbor in Bunkerville in 2014. “
Introduction by Editor
Late last year, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) whistleblower, Larry ‘Clint’ Wooten, issued a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice that effectively dismantled the federal case against the Bundy Ranch defendants. The contents of the letter were so damning that Judge Navarro had no choice but to dismiss with prejudice, all charges against Cliven Bundy, Ryan Bundy, and others. Accounts of racism, bigotry, sexual harassment, militarism and destruction of evidence within the BLM Office of Law Enforcement Services (OLES), under Dan Love and Salvatore Lauro, as well as the the criminal withholding of exculpatory evidence by federal prosecutors were shocking, but unsurprising given reports of numerous related scandals surrounding federal officials involved with the case.
See related stories:
Wooten letter exposes abuse, religious bigotry in Dan Love’s BLM operation
Wooten letter Part 2: BLM Culture of Abuse and Racism, Egomania, Dan Love’s ‘Kill Book’
BLM’s thugocracy lives on in William Woody and Salvatore Lauro
On March 26, former defendant and son of Cliven, Ammon Bundy posted the following remarks on his Facebook page, revealing the existence of a second letter written by Wooten, which for reasons unknown has been sealed from public view.
In Ammon’s post he urges citizens to demand that the second Wooten memo be unsealed and its contents made available for public scrutiny.
A second memo from Whistleblower Agent Wooten has been sent to the DOJ, the prosecution and the defense attorneys. Many of you will remember the first Wooten memo during the trial that exposed BLM Agent Dan Love’s kill list, the snipers pointed at the protesters, the undisclosed 24 hour surveillance of the Bundy ranch, the prosecutorial misconduct of Steve Myhre surrounding this hidden discovery and much, much more. Shortly after the 1st memo was released, a mistrial with prejudice was ruled by Judge Navarro. (Read the first memo here with Arrow to the Heart Author research notes and questions: http://arrowtotheheartbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Wooten-Letter-with-notes.compressed.pdf ) It was proven that the original grand jury indictment was filled with complete lies and yet no charges have been filed against those involved in this conspiracy. Hundreds of millions of tax paying dollars have been wasted incarcerating and trying men on false accusations. Two men were even convicted during the first trial on these false charges. Greg Burleson and Todd Engle. Others pled out under duress and coercion and men like Jerry Delemus is in prison for this today.
Well, we have whistleblower memo #2 that has been sent to the DOJ, the prosecution and the defense attorneys, and it is currently under seal. Our question is always the same: Why hide the truth? It’s so easy to tell so just tell it and let the public decide who is in the wrong. The memo reveals that there are agents now willing to testify to even more egregious government misconduct in this case of The United States of America VS Cliven Bundy Et Al. Let them speak and let the truth be told!
It appears the prosecution keeps falling into the pit they dug for the people. Let us see Justice and Liberty for all and dismiss the ENTIRE original indictment against those who came to the aid of their neighbor in Bunkerville in 2014.
A good reminder for all states:
“The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies that serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may maintain control over the instruments that they have created.”
Public Records Act Washington State #releasethememo (Pictured below: Duane Ehmer riding Hellboy from his home in Oregon to a California Federal Prison to serve his 1 year sentence for protesting for the Hammonds). #freethehammonds #justiceforlavoy #freethepatriots