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SPECIAL COUNSEL MUELLERr Team Faces Russian Truth In US Federal Court For First Time—Then Flee From Courtroom In Soiled Nappies

Sorcha Faal

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A scathingly written new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today heaps scorn and ridicule on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his legal team for their actions in a US Federal District Court yesterday when, for the first time, they faced an actual Russian counterattack against the so-called “Trump-Russia” collusion probe—and that terrified Mueller’s legal team to such an extent, they begged President Trumpappointed US Federal Judge Dabney Friedrich for a continuance, with their afterward fleeing from the courtroom “like babies in soiled nappies looking for their mommies”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


Conceptualized image of Special Counsel Robert Mueller as baby crying for his mommy to come and change his soiled nappy


According to this report, while leading the Deep State” coup d'état against President Trump, the most ill conceived of and thought out action ever taken by an American government legal official in all of recorded history occurred on 16 February 2018 when Special Counsel Mueller indicted 13 Russian citizens and 3 Russian companies for allegedly interfering in the 2016 US presidential election—but whose true intent of was to provide “mental fodder” for the clamoring leftist talking heads of the US mainstream propaganda media establishment needing something more to smear Trump with.

Though being given by Special Counsel Mueller a leftist tabloid headlines like “Trump Russia Collusion Probe Nabs Russian Citizens and Companies” to hammer President Trump over the head with, this report continues, theUS mainstream propaganda media failed to inform anybody that this was a “joke indictment” that converted legitimate American free speech into insidious “Russian bots”—with it not even mentioning anything at all about Russianhacking, Wikileaks, or anything else of substance—but that Mueller didn’t care about as he “knew” that no Russian would ever come to the United States to face these charges.



Most unfortunate for Special Counsel Mueller, though, and who should have known better, this report says, was that one of the companies he charged in his “joke indictment” was the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting—that under US law has “corporate personhood” that enables it to have the same rights as an individual—and who quickly hired Reed Smith LLP (a global law firm headquartered in PittsburghPennsylvania, with more than 1,800 lawyers in 27 offices throughout the United StatesEurope, the Middle East and Asia) to defend it.

Undoubtedly shaking Special Counsel Mueller to his very core, this report details, on 11 April 2018, Reed Smith LLP attorneys Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly filed notice with the US Federal Court that they would be defending Concord Management and Consulting against these “joke indictment” charges—and who followed this notice with a virtual avalanche of discovery requests that under US law Mueller must give them—that includes their demanding that Mueller immediately turn over to them 51 categories of information—including details about online platforms the government has discovered, individuals believed to have been involved in charged and uncharged activity, and names of potential witnesses, including of all statements, recordings, or electronic surveillance of Concord officers and employees. [UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Crim. No. 18-cr-32 (DLF)scroll down to ATTACHEMENT A]

While this avalanche of discovery demands made on Special Counsel Mueller, without a doubt, had him shaking to his very core, as to do so would reveal the entire secret workings of his Trump-Russia collusion probe for all of the world to see, this report continues, what the attorneys for Reed Smith LLP demanded next, and again without a doubt, sent actual tremors of fear throughout the entire “Deep State”—and that under US federal court rules known as Rule 12 Requests, has these Reed Smith LLP attorneys demanding that Mueller [scroll down to ATTACHEMENT B] immediately turn over to them all documents and information relating to:

From 1945 to present, each and every instance where any officer, employee and/or agent of the United States Government engaged in operations to interfere with elections and political processes in any foreign country; including but not limited to information relating to whether any such activity utilized propaganda in any format, including but not limited to the use of social media.

This disclosure should include any and all information regarding the use of computer infrastructure inside and outside of the United States, false foreign identities, goals to sow discord in a foreign political system, assistance to a foreign elected official or candidate, attacks on a foreign elected official or candidate, assassination or conspiracy to assassinate a foreign elected official or candidate, buying political advertisements, posing as foreign persons and/or failure to honestly identify to foreign voters the involvement of any officer, employee or agent of the United States Government.


The United States overthrowing other people’s governments: The Master List


Knowing full well that under US law he has to provide to Reed Smith LLP attorneys all of the documents and information they’ve demanded, this report notes, Special Counsel Mueller, however, did no such thing—choosing, instead, to have his legal team ask for a continuance by outright lying to US Federal Judge Dabney Friedrich and comically claim that “maybe” the Russian company Concord Management and Consulting hadn’t been served with their summons yet—with their not even bothering to explain how this was so as Concord’s lawyers were sitting right next to them in the courtroom.

Equally as worse for Special Counsel Mueller, this report continues, is at nearly the same time his legal team was fleeing from the courtroom of Judge Friedrich “like babies in soiled nappies looking for their mommies”, thePresident Ronald Reagan appointed US Senior Federal Court Judge T.S. Ellis III was, likewise, ripping apart another of Mueller’s legal teams by calling them liars, accusing them of wanting “unfettered power, and exposing this “Deep State” charade for what it really is by his stating: “You don't really care about Mr. Manafort.  You really care about what information Mr. Manafort can give you to lead you to Mr. Trump and an impeachment, or whatever”.



Even to Special Counsel Mueller’s first so-called success in getting General Michal Flynn to plead guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI, this report notes, is, actually, no success at all, with Mueller, once again, having to postponeFlynn’s sentencing hearing for, at least, another two months—and that’s no doubt due to the stunning new evidence showing that former FBI Director Comey, and other FBI agents testified under oath to the US Congress stating that, in fact, Flynn had never lied to anyone

General Flynn meanwhile, while this “Deep State” charade plays itself out, this report continues, appears to not have a care in the world—with this weekend his traveling to Montana to campaign on President Trump’s behalf for the American War Hero Troy Downing who saved countless lives of his fallen brothers and sisters on the battlefields of Afghanistan, and who is seeking to throw out of power the vile “Deep State” monster US Senator Jon Tester—and about whom, just days ago, Russian intelligence service operatives revealed was behind the “Vile Honey Trap Plot” to place near President Trump the NXIVM sex cult member, and physician to Vice President Mike PenceJennifer PeñaMD—but whose plot failed, and ended in Dr. Peña being ousted from the White House forever.


Deep State” tried to oust President Trump’s White House physician Admiral Ronnie Jackson and replace him with NXIVM sex cult member Jennifer Peña, MD


As to why Special Counsel Mueller and the “Deep State” continue to meet “failure upon failure” in their plot to destroy President Trump, this report details, is due to their never realizing that General Flynn—who is one of the most accomplished intelligence operatives in US military history—had already secured a secret immunity agreement with US Attorney General Jeff Sessions long before he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller—and that allowed him (and others like him who agreed to Mueller plea deals) to covertly operate behind the enemy lines of Mueller and the “Deep State”.

The intelligence tactic of having US government officials, like General Flynn, plead guilty to charges while having secret immunity deals in order to allow them to infiltrate other US government operations , this report explains, was invented by one of the most feared attorneys in modern American history named Roy Cohn—who used this tactic to infiltrate the US State Department (and other US government agencies) to root out communist spies—and who, while aiding the equally feared President Richard Nixon operative Roger Stone (both of whom worked to elect the equally leftist-despised President Ronald Reagan in 1980), passed on this knowledge to Stone who used it to protect President Reagan from prosecution during the Iran-Contra Affair.


The two most feared political operatives in modern American history, Roger Stone (left) and Roy Cohn (right)


With the most powerful man in America during nearly the entirety of the 20th Century being FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, whom even presidents feared to go against, this report concludes, one of the most enduring mysteries toRussian intelligence agencies is why the “Deep State” failed to notice that Hoover was so fond of Roy Cohn that he offered him the ultimate accolade, in 1954, and insisted that Cohn call him “Edgar (Cohn, for anyone bothering to notice, was “The Original Donald Trump”) before they declared all-out war on President Trump—particularly because Cohn had been “teaching” Trump how to be president since the late 1970’s—and whose “lessons” were continued under the guidance of Cohn protégé Roger Stone—thus making Trump, not one of the most, but the most formidable and utterly ruthless American presidents in history that not even Moscow or China wants to be an enemy of—and that to their utter and complete destruction, the “Deep State” will soon learn the truth of too—as it’s not actually Trump they’re fighting against, but the 21st Century political reincarnation of Roy Cohn, who this time around wields the full power and frightening unstoppable might of a US president—and who is really, really angry.    


I don't write polite letters...I don't plea-bargain...I like to fight...I bring out the worst in my enemies and that's how I get them to defeat themselves.”

Roy Cohn (left), mentor to the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump (right)


May 5, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY andGFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]