Sharyl Attkisson: IG report criticizes over 80 DOJ/FBI officials; 'This wasn't a 'handful of people'
Larry O'Connor
Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson is doing something most journalists (and apparently most Senators) have failed to do. She’s actually reading reading the entire Inspector General’s report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email affair.
For those journalists who have only read the Executive Summary of Michael Horowitz’ report they come away with assumptions that serve their political purposes, but don’t actually reflect the contents of the extensive tome. “There were only a handful of agents implicated” they’ll say. And “there was no political bias in the agency’s handling of the investigations” they’ll maintain.
Not so, says Attkisson.
Attkisson: And one more headline I don’t think was well discussed … I counted, I think so far as I’m going through the report, pretty harsh criticism of over 80 FBI officials and DOJ officials, meaning this wasn’t a handful of people, just a few people, these are very top level people and a lot of attorneys and people around them and ethics officials who are criticized. This was pretty wide spread according to the Inspector General.