The Prosecutors Who Have Declared War on the President
In the span of one week, we learned that the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York had both secured a guilty plea from Trump Organization lawyer Michael Cohen and offered an immunity deal to the company’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg. President Donald Trump should be worried. Once the Southern District gets its jaws onto a string of crimes, it doesn’t let go.
Weisselberg, as part of his deal, will likely be required to provide information on all criminal activity he knows about. That spells potential disaster for Trump personally, and major problems for his presidency. That’s apart from any potential state-level criminal investigation by the New York district attorney’s office.
Trump is now facing a two-front war against the Justice Department. The team led by special counsel Robert Mueller is supposed to focus on Russian interference in the 2016 election. But the Southern District can investigate any aspect of Trump’s behavior that took place in its jurisdiction, at any time.
And unlike Mueller, who could in principle be fired, the Southern District isn’t one man; it’s a whole office of career lawyers. It can’t be fired. Even if Robert Khuzami, the acting U.S. attorney in this case, were removed, no new U.S. attorney could realistically call off the prosecutors.
Why should we think that the Southern District won’t be satisfied with having convicted Cohen?
For one thing, there’s Cohen’s statement when he pleaded guilty to campaign-finance crimes. Cohen said in open court that he had acted at the direction of the candidate, meaning Trump.
That statement wasn’t legally necessary to the guilty plea. But Cohen wasn’t acting on his own when he made it. According to Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, the statement was made in consultation with the Southern District prosecutors.
That means the Southern District actively wanted to make Cohen implicate the president. The prosecutors or Khuzami could have easily taken the more cautious path of convicting Cohen without demanding that he make any public statement with regard to Trump.
They chose otherwise. In essence, by making Cohen say he acted at Trump’s direction, the Southern District declared war on the president.
More at Bloomberg