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Feinstein Seeks to Destroy Kavanaugh: Her Secret Reason

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Urgent Message from Michael Reagan

Dear Fellow American:

Why did Sen. Dianne Feinstein hold the Blasey Ford allegations in her office file for two months . . . not telling anyone, including the FBI?

I think I know the REAL ANSWER.

Hear me out.

If you believe Feinstein, the future of the whole country depends on what Brett Kavanaugh did or not do as a 17-year-old high school student 36 years ago.

Although she received and sat on the allegation for months.

As you know, my dad was governor of California, and I have lived here with

my family almost my entire life.

I know Dianne Feinstein really well.

You know they say “follow the money.” In Feinstein’s case you need to follow the votes.

Feinstein desperately needs the votes. 

She is facing a very unusual election here in California. Under new state rules, her opponent is not a Republican but a Democrat.

And get this, he’s actually been endorsed by the Democratic Party!

Her opponent is also a far-leftie, Bernie Sanders type.

Guess what? All the polls show he’s been closing in on Feinstein this past summer – after she received the Ford letter!

In fact, Feinstein’s opponent has cut her lead in the polls by half, according to Politico.

If I know Dianne Feinstein, she is quaking in her Gucci boots that she may lose.

No surprise, then, that she has suddenly moved hard left in her politics.

Feinstein had long supported the death penalty for murderers.

That’s out the window.

On a dime, she changed her view and now OPPOSES the death penalty!

She obviously has ZERO principles.

I believe Feinstein leaked the Blasey Ford letter to The Washington Post.

She wanted to be a hero to the far left.

She wants to stop the Sanders insurgent nipping on her heels for her re-election.

So Feinstein threw Brett Kavanaugh under the bus – destroyed his reputation – all to save her Senate seat.

Disgusting, isn’t it?

I want to expose Feinstein and all the Democrats as the biggest hypocrites ever.

As chairman of The Conservative Trust of America, I am leading a national effort to DEFEND Brett Kavanaugh and get him CONFIRMED.

I am leading the effort to EXPOSE Democrats like Feinstein, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Richard Blumenthal, and the others.

I am leading the effort to KEEP REPUBLICANS on board with Brett.

Thanks to thousands of supporters like you, The Conservative Trust of America is already reaching millions of Americans to support Brett Kavanaugh.

We are focusing on KEY SENATORS – Republicans and Democrats who will be crucial for Kavanaugh’s confirmation, senators like Susan Collins, Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnelly, Joe Manchin, Lisa Murkowski, and Jeff Flake.

We are getting thousands of calls placed to these senators’ offices as I write this.

But remember, our fight all starts with you.

If you are OUTRAGED like me, I need you to join The Conservative Trust of America to stop this liberal lynching of Brett Kavanaugh.

We are VERY CLOSE to victory. The FBI investigation is coming to an end.

The Senate will soon see the FBI report. And then they will vote.

It will happen. It is just days away.

I need your support. Brett Kavanaugh needs your support.

President Trump needs Brett on the Supreme Court.

We can reach tens of millions of Americans through online and digital media, as well as TV and radio . . .

But we can only do this if you stand with me.

Please make a donation today. A small amount can make a BIG DIFFERENCE –

Go Here Now

We both know time is of the essence.

Please ACT – Contribute Here Now

Thank you for your faith in me and our cause.

Yours for America,

Michael Reagan


The Conservative Trust of America

P.S. Yesterday, I wrote to you and millions of supporters about why I am taking a stand for Brett Kavanaugh. If you have not read my important letter, I am appending it below. Please act today – time is of the essence! Go Here Now

Michael Reagan's First Urgent Letter Follows:

Dear Fellow American:

These are the best of times. These are the worst of times.

Sure, the economy is roaring and our nation is at peace around the globe, thanks to President Trump.

But we are facing a deadly threat right here at home, to our most sacred values and to democracy itself.

The vicious media and Democratic attack on Brett Kavanaugh is the most disgusting thing I have seen in politics.

And I have seen a lot.

Let’s remember the facts here.

Brett Kavanaugh has been a model citizen and family man, a public servant and respected jurist.

He is truly smart.

He could have gone to a white-shoe law firm and cashed in big time. I’m talking millions here.

Instead he rejected that.

He wanted to serve his country as a judge. He wanted to defend our freedoms.

And he hoped someday to sit on the nation’s highest court.

And that American dream came true when President Trump looked at all the top candidates.

He picked just one: Brett Kavanaugh.


Well, the answer was simple. Kavanaugh was the best candidate.

Let’s not forget that before his nomination for the Supreme Court, conservative Kavanaugh was respected by all sides.

In fact, when he was nominated to the federal Appeals Court, the Senate approved him by a 57-36 vote.

In his long career he has been the target of media attacks because he was a top deputy for Independent Counsel Ken Starr.

The big media wanted Brett to pay a BIG price for taking on Bill and Hillary Clinton in the Whitewater scandal.

When President Trump nominated him to the Supreme Court he found a man who had a consistent conservative voting record, a brilliant judicial mind that has been compared to the late Antonin Scalia . . . and a man with an absolutely clean record.

After his nomination, and after no less than 6 full FBI background investigations over more than three decades, no one ever found anything bad about Brett Kavanaugh.

And no one said anything bad about him.

Nada. Zip. Zilch.

That was until September of this year, when the Democrats found themselves completely desperate.

They did not want the Supreme Court to be shaped for the next 30 years by the likes of pro-Trump conservative Brett Kavanaugh.

For two months they probed and prodded him. He came up clean. Ready to be confirmed.

Then, just two days before the Senate Judiciary Committee would vote to send his nomination to the full Senate, a bombshell hit.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, a former mayor of San Francisco, dropped that bombshell.

She had received a letter in July, two months earlier, from a Christine Blasey Ford claiming that Brett Kavanaugh had assaulted her when she was 15 and he was 17.

An incident that allegedly happened 36 years ago.

What did Feinstein do? Did she immediately share the information with her fellow senators?

Or with the FBI?


She sat on it.

I believe she knew it was a weak and perhaps ridiculous claim.

But she also felt it could be insurance in case the Democrats could not stop Brett Kavanaugh through the normal process.

Rather than have the FBI properly look into these allegations early and in a confidential manner, Feinstein hid Blasey Ford’s allegations.

Why did she wait?

Well, by September, she and her fellow Democrats knew that die was almost cast.

Brett Kavanaugh was on the verge of becoming Donald Trump’s second nominee to the High Court.

Kavanaugh had to be stopped. At any cost.

For the Democrats, the Blasey Ford letter was their version of a Hail Mary pass.

So they “leaked” details of the letter to The Washington Post.

Soon, the rest of the media went on a rampage against Brett Kavanaugh.

Shows on CNN and MNSBC described this fine man as a “rapist” who had engaged in an “attempted rape.”

The media seemingly didn’t care that Kavanaugh emphatically denied the incident even happened.

And they ignored the fact no law enforcement agency in the nation would think Blasey Ford’s account described an attempted rape.

Worse, Blasey Ford’s four witnesses all denied her claims they were ever at such a party she described.

The media didn’t care that she didn’t tell anyone — close friends or family — for 30 years about the supposed incident.

Blasey Ford claimed she didn’t want to go public, but she still can’t explain why this past summer she took the time and expense to have a polygraph test taken.

The media didn’t care that Blasey Ford's parents and siblings have refused to voice public support for her or her claims. (What do they know about her that we don’t?)

The media didn’t care that Blasey Ford has been an anti-Trump political activist who has donated to Bernie Sanders’ campaign and far-left groups like ActBlue.

Instead of questioning Blasey Ford, the media has made her the poster woman for the “Me Too” movement — radical feminists who believe any man accused of assault or harassment is guilty simply because they say so.

Meanwhile, the accused, Judge Kavanaugh, was stripped of his most basic right — the presumption every person in America is innocent until proven guilty.

That’s out the window. Scary, isn’t it?

The truth is the Democrats who hate President Trump want to make Brett political roadkill.

Blasey Ford’s testimony came up short. She still has offered no evidence and no corroboration. For anything.

Empty-handed, once again the media has to invent crimes.

The latest headlines on the case are that young Kavanaugh drank beer in college and chased girls. Amazing that this is now a “crime”!

Frankly, all of this is one big liberal smoke bomb.

The truth is that the lib-Dem establishment wants to stop Kavanaugh from ever ruling from the High Court.

To stop him from ruling to support President Trump.

To stop him from ruling against the big unions.

To stop him from ruling in favor of human life.

To stop him from ruling against illegal aliens.

To stop him from ruling against criminals who want to harm us.

There is so much at stake here.

That’s why I am taking a stand. A stand with Brett Kavanaugh.

As chairman of The Conservative Trust of America, a national PAC supported by thousands of Americans like you, I want to fight for Brett Kavanaugh.

My late father, President Reagan, fought the liberal media and Democratic establishment his whole life.

I don’t think he ever saw anything as sick as the Kavanaugh attack — and the despicable lengths to which the Democrats would go to destroy a decent man and a great American.

In the coming days the FBI will finish its investigation.

It will not give a definitive judgement on Brett Kavanaugh. Instead, it will give raw data on the information it has uncovered.

It will be for the Senate to judge that information and to vote.

They will decide Brett Kavanaugh’s fate.

But we can judge the Senate and hold them accountable.

That’s why I have asked The Conservative Trust of America to launch a nationwide effort to get citizens from across the country to express our outrage.

We need to let key senators who are wavering know they must vote for Brett Kavanaugh.

Several Republican senators like Jeff Flake are wavering.

And then some Democrats, like Joe Manchin in West Virginia, Jon Tester in Montana, and Joe Donnelly in Indiana, are running in red states Donald Trump won big in 2016.

These Democrats are very vulnerable.

We need to hold their feet to the fire!

The Conservative Trust of America is planning to launch a multimillion-dollar campaign this week across the nation to demand the Senate back Kavanaugh.

I have helped pull together some of the best political minds and strategists in the country.

Frankly, this is going to come down to 3 Senate votes that we need to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.

Liberal groups are already pouring billions into stopping Brett Kavanaugh.

One liberal group has already threatened to spend $1.3 million against Republican Sen. Susan Collins if she votes for Kavanaugh.

This is out-and-out political extortion.

We need to fight back against such dirty threats.

I need your help today.

Because it is a super PAC, you can give an unlimited donation to The Conservative Trust.

For a $25,000 donation I can buy TV ads all weekend in key states exposing this vicious attack on Brett.

For a $10,000 donation The Conservative Trust can easily reach 1 million Americans online to show our support for Brett.

For $5,000 we can blanket a whole state on Facebook for a day.

For $2,500 I can target the biggest city in West Virginia or Montana or Maine or Indiana or Arizona for a whole day with radio ads.

There is so much we can do.

But we can only do it together.

And we must act now! This is URGENT.

President Trump put it best when he said: “They want to destroy a very fine person. We can’t let it happen!”

He’s right. We need to stop this liberal lunacy.

Please donate to help Brett Kavanaugh today. Now. Go Here Now.

America is too important for us to give up.

Please fight back. Join me today — Contribute Here Now

Yours for America,

Michael Reagan


The Conservative Trust of America

P.S. My advisers say if we are fully funded this week, our media blitz can generate up 200,000 phone calls from citizens to these key senators urging them to vote for Brett Kavanaugh. This will be a massive show of support, almost unparalleled. It can happen. But I need your help today — Please Go Here Now