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Kavanaugh's First Big Move As Supreme Court Justice


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Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate on Saturday in a 50-48 vote. Now, Justice Brett Kavanaugh is officially on the Supreme Court and his first action as Justice will upset the Dems. 

Kavanaugh hired an all-female law clerk staff.

According to The Daily Wire:

Brett Kavanaugh made history on Sunday with his first actions as a newly sworn-in Supreme Court justice: He appointed an all-female law clerk staff.

After a vicious, hyperpartisan "circus" of a confirmation process, the Senate confirmed Kavanaugh Saturday in a bipartisan vote of 50-48, which included West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin and key swing-vote Republicans Susan Collins and Jeff Flake (Lisa Murkowski voted "present").

On Sunday, Kavanaugh began the process of getting familiar with the arguments the court will be hearing this month, and, as the New York Times reports, he did so by meeting with his historic collections of clerks.

"Justice Kavanaugh met with his four law clerks, all women — a first for the Supreme Court — in chambers that had until recently been occupied by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who has moved to Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s old chambers," the Times reports.

Kavanaugh promised to take steps to remedy the lack of representation of females as law clerks on the Supreme Court and it looks like he went above and beyond to make good on that promise.