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WINNING THE CASE: 5 Things Wrong with CNN’s Lawsuit Against Trump


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    2018-11-14 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff


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CNN has filed suit against Trump and his administration for revoking the press credentials of CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta after a series of outbursts at a news conference. CNN is claiming that this is a violation of both the first amendment and the 5th amendment, there is a problem here though… their story just doesn’t add up. Here are 5 giant holes in CNN’s lawsuit that are sure to come up in court:




1.) Mistruths About Who Was…


    2018-11-14 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff

1.) Mistruths About Who Was…

By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America via Wikimedia Commons


In the lawsuit, CNN claims that The Daily Callers Chuck Ross was at the event and that he disputed the claims that Jim Acosta put his hands on an intern while trying to keep her away. The problem here is that Chuck Ross was not at the event, he was only commenting on it from afar. This failure to check basic facts shouldn’t surprise you, this is CNN.




2.) No Mention of…


    2018-11-14 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff

2.) No Mention of…

By Ken Lund via Wikimedia Commons


No mention was made in the lawsuit that Acosta was trying to keep the mic away from the intern who was only trying to pass it along to the next person. There was a bit of a struggle over who could have it but no one was throwing punches as some media outlets initially reported. CNN fails to mention Acosta not giving up the microphone and this is definitely going to be a nail in their legal cases coffin.




3.) Interruptions No More


    2018-11-14 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff

3.) Interruptions No More

In the lawsuit, CNN claims that just after the Trump-Acosta debate Trump went back to criticizing them. This story is missing a piece, a pretty big one that will make heads roll with anger once it comes to light. CNN neglects to mention that Acosta was interrupting Trump telling another reporter it was his turn, Trump returned to flaming CNN and Jim Acosta after these extremely rude interruptions.




4.) False Claim


    2018-11-14 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff

4.) False Claim

Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia Commons

The Lawsuit claims that all reporters had the mic when asking questions, here is the big oops, Both April Ryan and Jim Acosta talked when they didn’t have the mic. This made a lot of reporters mad because these two CNN reporters were talking up valuable time and being extremely rude to everyone else. Interesting how CNN ignores their own misconduct during their lawsuit.




5.) The Questions are in Question


    2018-11-14 Source: TTN by: TTN Staff


“I wanted to challenge you on…” this is the way Acosta began his remarks with the president, CNN is claiming that this is a question. This is a challenge to Trump and not a question, in the lawsuit they call it a question. Watch the clip and tell us what you think.