Mueller Just Got Smacked With News That Could Destroy Him
Kelly Walsh
Robert Mueller’s investigation has gone on for far too long.
It’s in its second year with little to show for it.
And Mueller just got the news that could destroy him.
Mueller’s Investigation Is Back In Gear
With the midterms ending, Mueller is jumping back into action.
For months he has followed the unofficial DOJ policy of keeping the investigation out of the public eye within 60 days of an election.
Mueller hasn’t made any major moves for some time.
He has been quietly interviewing a number of individuals of interest.
Most notable are Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Steve Bannon.
So there’s a lot Mueller may try to do in the next few days or weeks.
He’s already indicted Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy theorist with no ties to the President.
Corsi’s crime is perjury, which is a trap often used to take down targets of the FBI.
That’s how Mueller got to Michael Flynn after all.
But Corsi doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things.
Mueller is likely to try and make bigger moves.
That is if everything doesn’t come tumbling down over a conflict of interest.
Mueller’s Main Target
The most likely target of Mueller is Roger Stone.
Stone is a longtime advisor to President Trump.
He helped direct Trump’s short-lived third-party run for President in 2000.
Mueller is trying to prove Stone had advance knowledge of the release of Hillary Clinton’s emails.
He believes WikiLeaks, who released the emails, got them from Russian hackers.
So if Stone is tied to the situation, Mueller can try and claim Trump’s campaign knew about Russian hacking.
But there is a lot wrong with Mueller’s targeting of Stone.
Stone continually denies any contact with WikiLeaks or the sites founder, Julian Assange.
Assange also says that he had no contact with Stone.
When looking at things Stone has said about WikiLeaks, there is no indication he has said anything that wasn’t already public info.
He has made speculations, some of which were true.
That is what Mueller and his prosecutors are focusing on.
A Biased Mueller Prosecuter
But one of his prosecutors may take the entire case against Stone down due to a conflict of interest.
Jeannie Rhee is one of Mueller’s prosecutors, and she interviewed a lawyer for Stone, Tyler Nixon.
But Nixon contends she is biased due to her connections to Hillary Clinton.
Rhee worked for both Hillary Clinton’s campaign and for the Clinton Foundation.
This was never disclosed to Nixon or anybody else.
That’s why Nixon is asking for her to be recused or fully removed from the investigation, saying:
“[Rhee’s involvement] was not disclosed to me prior to my testimony, and I find this to be deeply troubling and certainly Ms. Rhee should be recused or removed from the investigation.”
This is something that should happen based on past situations in the investigation.
Sessions recused himself from overseeing the investigation due to his position in the Trump administration.
With Rhee having worked for “the other team” at one point, she should do the same.