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Mueller’s Gang Of Democrats Won The Guilty Plea That Had All Hell Breaking Loose


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This was the moment Robert Mueller had been waiting for.

He and his pit bull Democrat prosecutors have terrorized President Trump and his associates for 18 months.

And Mueller just scored the guilty plea that had all hell breaking loose.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen strode into a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday morning and turned America upside down.

He pled guilty to multiple counts of lying to Congress about business deals with Russia during the 2016 election.

Cohen lied to the Senate Intelligence Committee about a proposed deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

Talks for the project went on for longer than Cohen initially claimed.

And he also discussed the project every step of the way with Donald Trump.

“Prior to the 2016 elections, I was a counsel and advisor to Donald Trump Organization. By 2016, I no longer did that work, but I continued to work for Donald Trump who became President of the United States, referenced as Individual 1 in the agreement,” Cohen confessed in court. “I continued to follow the political messaging of Individual 1 and his advisors. I was aware that individual 1 said he was not tied to Russia, attacks were politically motivated, and all interactions were terminated by the time of the Iowa Caucuses.”

“I asserted all efforts ceased in January 2016 when they kept going until June 2016,” Cohen continued. “There were more extensive communications. I said I never contemplated travel or spoke to Individual 1 regarding travel, but I did.”

“I would like to add that I never did travel to Russia and I have never been to Moscow. I made the statement to keep up with political messaging and out of loyalty,” he concluded.

Fake news journalists finally thought they were reliving the moment when Rose Mary Woods admitted she erased 18 minutes of the Watergate tape.

This was their chance to finally get Donald Trump.

Cohen spent a decade working at Trump’s side as his “fixer.”

Anti-Trump “journalists” figured if anyone knew where the bodies were buried, it would be Cohen.

But this story was a dud.

All Cohen admitted to lying about was a business deal that ended in June 2016 as opposed to January 2016.

He did not plead guilty to lying about his denials of colluding with the Russians.

And he did not confess to lying about Donald Trump not knowing about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting.

Mueller’s attempt to use Cohen to set a perjury trap for Trump also blew up in his face.

The special counsel and his gang of angry Democrats held Cohen’s guilty plea back until Trump submitted his written answers.

Their hope was to catch Trump offering responses to their questions that did not match up with Cohen’s testimony.

But it failed.

That’s because Trump’s answers lined up perfectly.

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said, “The president said there was a proposal, it was discussed with Cohen, there was a nonbinding letter of intent and it didn’t go beyond that.”

The Cohen plea deal pushes the Mueller investigation into dangerous new territory.

Mueller knows his collusion investigation is a bust.

So now he is trying to criminalize legal business transactions to guarantee his twisted scheme to overthrow Trump succeeds.