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Brett Kavanaugh Was Handed A Verdict That Could Throw His Life Into Chaos

Kelly Walsh

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Brett Kavanaugh

Ever since Donald Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Democrats have schemed to destroy him.

Their efforts continue to this day.

And now Brett Kavanaugh was handed a verdict that could throw his life into chaos.

Democrats have made no bones about the fact that their goal is to destroy Kavanaugh personally or professionally by any means necessary.

Congressional Democrats are already making noises about holding impeachment hearings.

They believe Kavanaugh perjured himself during his hearings.

The charges are false, but the fake news media will report this hoax as fact in order to create another made up scandal for Donald Trump.

But Kavanaugh isn’t really who the Democrats are after.

Of course they hate his judicial philosophy, but the real nuts and bolts of the matter is they believe Trump is an illegitimate President.

Therefore, every action Trump takes is illegitimate and must be reversed.

And that includes impeaching Brett Kavanaugh.

Democrats recently found comfort in this quest in a new Fox News poll.

Fox asked Americans to name their favorite Supreme Court Justice.

22 percent of Americans could not name a single Supreme Court Justice.

20 percent of Americans said they did not have a favorite Supreme Court Justice.

These were the two most popular answers.

But only six percent named Kavanaugh.

The most popular choice for Americans was Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg at 18 percent.

However, this was not because Americans respect her radical left-wing judicial philosophy.

It’s because the left idolizes her as a hero, so of course she would be the overwhelming choice for liberal Americans.

Trump supporters fear that Americans being too busy living their lives to know the ins-and-outs of politics is the Democrats greatest weapon.

It’s not the average American’s fault they can’t name every Supreme Court Justice or follow the nooks and crannies of public policy.

They are busy living their lives.

But that won’t stop Democrats from exploiting this fact.

They are counting on Americans not raising a stink over attacking an individual with low-name recognition.

But this could be a major miscalculation.

Even skeptical Republicans still approve of Donald Trump’s judicial appointments, and well over 80 percent of Republicans approve of President Trump’s job performance.

And although there is a slice of the party that does not like the way Trump goes about his business, these Republicans do not support the Democrats socialist agenda either.

And they will not kowtow to a party that uses fake news to try and impeach a Supreme Court Justice.

Any attempt to terrorize Kavanaugh with nonsensical impeachment hearings will drive these wavering Republicans back into Trump’s column in the 2020 election.

Democrats may not have any choice except to run head first into this doomed fight.

Their insane and mentally unbalanced base demands vengeance.

So Democrats may have to take up this fight whether they like it or not.