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John Garret

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Democrats were licking their chops.

The anti-Trump media spent months building up to this one day where Mueller would put his cards on the table and expose Donald Trump for the criminal that they believed him to be.

But then Robert Mueller took all the wind out of the Democrats’ sails with this stunning confession.

Fake news reporters believed with all their hearts that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was at the center of an international conspiracy to rig the 2016 election.

Manafort worked as a political consultant in Ukraine on behalf of a pro-Russian political party.

The fake news Christopher Steele dossier accused Manafort of leveraging these contacts to form a corrupt union between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence to elect Donald Trump as President.

These “facts” caused so-called journalists to swear up and down that Mueller did not reveal all he knows and that he must be holding secret evidence in reserve.

As the story went, Mueller would wait for one final dramatic moment to show his hand and at that moment Donald Trump would be finished.

The media zeroed in on Mueller’s sentencing recommendation filing for Manafort.

An Obama-appointed Judge threw out Manafort’s plea agreement because Mueller claimed Manafort lied to prosecutors and engaged in witness tampering.

In a sentencing filing, prosecutors lay out their case as to why they believe the defendant should serve time in jail.

Since the Judge threw out the plea agreement and the sentencing guidelines called for up to 24 years in prison, fake news reporters expected a meaty filing from Mueller to match the gravity of the punishment Manafort faced.

They got half of what they wanted.

Mueller turned in a 25-page filing that denounced Manafort as a crook and a scoundrel in the strongest terms possible.

Mueller and his Democrat pit bulls wrote, “Based on his relevant sentencing conduct, Manafort presents many aggravating sentencing factors and no warranted mitigating factors. Manafort committed an array of felonies for over a decade, up through the fall of 2018. Manafort chose repeatedly and knowingly to violate the law— whether the laws proscribed garden-variety crimes such as tax fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice, and bank fraud, or more esoteric laws that he nevertheless was intimately familiar with, such as the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). His criminal actions were bold, some of which were committed while under a spotlight due to his work as the campaign chairman and, later, while he was on bail from this court.”

But the document made no mention of Russian intelligence, hacked emails or the 2016 election.

On the collusion front, the memo – like the entire Mueller investigation – was a bust.

Even though these allegedly “brilliant” reporters should have seen this coming from a mile away – Mueller’s indictments of Russians for hacking and election meddling made sure to include language stating that no Americans were involved in the crime – the fake news media absorbed the development like a gut punch.

And Mueller fan fiction writers in the media scrambled to craft a new narrative they could sell to the left to keep their spirits up.



It's Mueller's silences we should be paying attention to -- 

183 people are talking about this
But the reality is prosecutors tell their story in court filings and indictments.

Mueller authored a report in plain sight.

And the Manafort sentencing memo could be the final chapter where Mueller spelled out once and for all that there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.