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Uh-Oh: Why AOC’s Twitter Activity Will Land Her Before A Federal Judge


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(Tea Party 247) – Not a day goes by that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the hip millennial socialist congresswoman who seems to be quickly wearing out her welcome among the leftist elite, doesn’t appear more absurd and immature.

The woman who totes her age as a virtue has the critical thinking skills and relationship with reality of the average 14-year-old makes 29-year-olds look bad, as many of them are hard-working, educated individuals who know how to form solid arguments and don’t get triggered every time they’re made aware people have different beliefs than they do.

AOC, on the other hand, an elected member of Congress, just blocks people who disagree with her.


An aide to AOC this week said that the socialist darling only blocks people on Twitter if their commentary isn’t “constructive” — but now, the New York Post reports, a federal judge has demanded that she come and explain that herself.


Campaign manager Rebecca Rodriguez laid out Ocasio-Cortez’s online habits as part of a hearing in a lawsuit filed by former Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who claims the Democratic darling wrongfully blocked him online over his “criticism” of her.

Hikind, a longtime Jewish leader, is among more than 20 people Ocasio-Cortez has muted online, a decision she makes “if she feels the posts start reaching a point where it’s not constructive, where it’s an attack and where the person becomes so polarizing that she cannot have a conversation with them and they’re amplifying their platform,” explained Rodriguez.

She added that it was Ocasio-Cortez’s “judgment call” to block Hikind but said she did not know the exact reason behind the decision.

But Brooklyn federal Judge Frederic Block wants to hear directly from the prolific tweeter herself.

“I think she has to testify,” the judge said. “Her point is that this was an A-OK thing to do … she has to explain.”

Hikind explained that he was blocked by AOC after he tweeted to her about her highly controversial comments in June drawing comparisons between migrant centers at the border and concentration camps.

“That comment from her, I found so incredibly outrageous,” said Hikind, who happens to be a member of AOC’s party, at the hearing.

“I was shut out basically from having a conversation,” he said after he was blocked.

He later told reporters, “AOC may have not liked what I said but I think it was so incredibly cowardly for AOC to have blocked me.”

AOC swears she only, like, blocks people on Twitter “for harassment, not for political views.”

Yeah right! This spoiled little princess has constantly demonstrated to us she’s incapable of accepting criticism, and it’s absolutely pathetic she’s just blocking people on Twitter who disagree with her. She should be made to answer for herself if only to find out how long she can keep up her silly excuses for doing so in court.