Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,977,000
Terence P. Jeffrey
( - The United States lost 9,000 manufacturing jobs in October while gaining 19,000 jobs in government, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Government employment grew from 22,216,000 in September to 22,235,000 in October, according to BLS, while manufacturing jobs dropped from 12,267,000 to 12,258,000.
The 22,235,000 employed by government in the United States now outnumber the 12,258,000 employed in manufacturing by 9,977,000.
Over the past year—from October 2015 to October 2016—manufacturing employment fell by 53,000, declining from 12,311,000 to 12,258,000. During the same period, government employment climbed 208,000, rising from 22,027,000 to 22,235,000.
The BLS has published seasonally-adjusted month-by-month employment data for both government and manufacturing going back to January 1939. According to this data, manufacturing employees in the United States of America outnumbered government employees every month for more than half a century. Then, in August 1989, government employees slipped ahead of manufacturing employees for the first time—taking a slim lead of 17,989,000 to 17,964,000.
Since then, government has pulled dramatically ahead of manufacturing as an employer in the United States.
In fact, the 22,235,000 who now work for government in this country, according to the BLS, is more than ever worked in manufacturing.
Manufacturing employment peaked in June 1979 at 19,553,000. Since then, manufacturing employment has declined by 7,295,000—or 37.3 percent—to its current level of 12,258,000.
In June 1979, when manufacturing employment hit its peak, government employment was 16,045,000. Since then, government employment has increased by 6,190,000—or 38.6 percent—to its current level of 22,235,000.
The 22,235,000 employed by government exceed the populations of 48 of the 50 states. Only California, which the Census Bureau estimated had a population of 39,144,818 in 2015; and Texas, which the Census Bureau estimated had a population of 27,469,114, had populations that exceeded the number of people in the country who work for government.
The 22,235,000 government employees as of October, for example, exceeded the population of Florida (20,271,272) and the population of New York (19,795,791).
The 22,235,000 employed by government also exceed the combined populations of Ohio (11,613,423) and Michigan (9,922,576)—which equaled 21,535,999.
The 22,235,000 government employees in October, according to BLS, included 14,297,000 local government employees, 5,123,000 state government employees, and 2,815,000 federal government employees.
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