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Steve Forbes Has a Message For You


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“I owe these unions.”

President Barack Obama couldn’t have stated it any more clearly.

And after spending a cool BILLION dollars to put their political cronies in positions of power in Washington, D.C., the union bosses couldn’t agree more.

They want PAYBACK.

After all, Barack Obama and the rest of Big Labor’s allies have already promised, What Big Labor wants, Big Labor GETS!”

That’s why it’s vital you sign the petition below urging your Congressman and Senators to OPPOSE the union bosses’ Card Check Forced Unionism Bill -- and the rest of Big Labor’s agenda -- IMMEDIATELY.

You see, you and I may not have much time.

Now that Ted Kennedy's Senate seat has flipped and the union bosses see their massive union-label majorities slipping away, they are pushing harder than ever to pass the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill before the 2010 elections.

That’s why it’s vital you act today!

As you know, if “Card Check” passes, workers would no longer be able to vote for or against union boss “representation” in a secret ballot election.

Instead, the union bosses would intimidate workers one-on-one -- or three-on-one -- into signing so-called “union authorization cards.”

And, of course, Big Labor has yet another ticking time bomb hidden in the “Card Check” legislation.

If the union bosses can drag out negotiations with an employer past 90 days by making outrageous demands, Obama Administration bureaucrats will have the power to use this so-called “problem” as an excuse to write a new labor contract and force its terms and conditions of employment upon those workers.

So you see, not only does Big Labor want to strip workers of the right to a secret ballot but also of the right to vote on their own contracts as well!

That’s why your immediate help is so vital.

You see, Big Labor has another trick up its sleeve to make doubly sure “Card Check” is rammed into law.

And that’s a “Trojan Horse” version of the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill that’s supposedly harmless if you believe the laughable stories coming from Big Labor’s mouthpieces in the national media.

But don’t be fooled.

The “Trojan Horse” version is every bit as damaging to American workers, jobs and our fragile economy.

Plain and simple, this is nothing more than a ploy by Big Labor to trick fence-riding Senators into caving in and jumping on board.

In fact, quoted in the People’s Weekly World -- an overtly COMMUNIST publication -- the AFL-CIO’s Director of Legislation said there would be NO CHANGES “that would undermine the basic thrust of the bill.”

That’s why it’s important that you sign this petition IMMEDIATELY.

Should “Card Check” pass, this dangerous power grab would:

*** Force millions of additional working Americans to pay union dues under the threat of losing their jobs, filling Big Labor coffers with hundreds of millions of forced-dues dollars;

*** Dramatically increase the wasteful work rules, hate-the-boss propaganda, slowdowns and bitter strikes that shut down businesses and destroy jobs, ensuring that even more plants are closed and more jobs are shipped overseas or lost forever;

*** Enable Big Labor to pump even more campaign cash into the coffers of its radical, tax and spend politicians like Barack Obama who, in turn, will look for even greater ways to increase the union bosses’ forced-dues empire.

That’s why I’m counting on your help IMMEDIATELY.

You see, a Capitol Hill aide was quoted recently admitting that Harry Reid is planning to move “[Card Check] to the floor and get it passed before anyone can mobilize against it.”

So we can’t wait. We have to mobilize NOW.

The good news is, the National Right to Work Committee has developed a massive plan to stop the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill dead in its tracks.

Grassroots mail. Phone calls. Newspaper, radio and TV ads.

But it’s all VERY expensive -- especially since everything is “last minute.”

That’s why it’s vital you act TODAY!

And that’s why, in addition to your signed petition, I hope you’ll agree to make a generous contribution to help stop the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill.

After signing your petition, please send the Committee a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100 or $35.

This is not a battle you and I can afford to lose.

I’m convinced that with the Committee’s plan to mobilize Americans against the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill, you and I can stop this bill -- and the rest of Big Labor’s agenda -- dead in its tracks.

But we don’t have much time.

Please sign this petition and make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100 or $35 -- or whatever you can -- to help defeat Big Labor’s Card Check Forced Unionism Bill.

It’s vital you act TODAY!


Steve Forbes

P.S.  With their hand-picked majorities quickly losing popularity in Congress, the union bosses are moving fast to pass the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill before the 2010 elections.

That’s why there’s not a moment to waste!

Please sign this petition demanding your Congressman and Senators OPPOSE Big Labor’s Card Check Forced Unionism Bill before it’s too late.

After signing your petition, please also make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $35, or whatever you can afford, to the National Right to Work Committee -- IMMEDIATELY!

From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 6:16 AM
Subject: Steve Forbes Has a Message For You