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The Official Unemployment Rate

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The official unemployment rate is 23,772,806


Almost 24 million Americans without a job in a country rich in human and natural resources.


Thank the Outlaw Congress, like Speaker of the House, John Boehner, for killing eight million domestic jobs with their votes for all those unconstitutional treaties like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT/WTO. In 2000, Boehner voted against getting the US out of GATT and the WTO while Americans stand in the unemployment line.


Below is a link to more than a dozen very large corporations that are hiring right now.

I hope this is helpful if you or someone you know is seeking work.

The first one is McDonald's, but if you continue clicking the slides you'll see Amazon, American Express, Boeing and other companies that also might be in your area. Caterpillar (tractors) is hiring 20,000 new employees.