A day with ‘killology’ police trainer Dave Grossman
Jim Stone
Top police trainer: "The sex you have after killing someone is the best sex there is"
Surprisingly the Washington Post covered this. They are actually training cops to kill with less hesitation!
A day with 'killology' police trainer Dave Grossman
A few months ago, I posted a review of the harrowing documentary "Do Not Resist." It includes a scene from a class with Dave Grossman, whose classes on policing and the use of force have become hugely popular in the law enforcement community.
Fittingly, the most chilling scene in the movie doesn't take place on a city street, or at a protest, or during a drug raid. It takes place in a conference room. It's from a police training conference with Dave Grossman, one of the most prolific police trainers in the country. Grossman's classes teach officers to be less hesitant to use lethal force, urge them to be willing to do it more quickly and teach them how to adopt the mentality of a warrior. Jeronimo Yanez, the Minnesota police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile in July, had attended one of Grossman's classes called "The Bulletproof Warrior" (though that particular class was taught by Grossman's business partner, Jim Glennon).
In the class recorded for "Do Not Resist," Grossman at one point tells his students that the sex they have after they kill another human being will be the best sex of their lives. The room chuckles. But he's clearly serious. "Both partners are very invested in some very intense sex," he says. "There's not a whole lot of perks that come with this job. You find one, relax and enjoy it."
And there it is folks, in a nut shell. Those training our police nowadays are not encouraging to keep the peace, and give "bobby" a ride home when his bike got a flat, NO, they are telling cops to be "killing warriors" and that it will improve their sex life! There is no conceivable way any script writer could make this up!!!
Jim Stone