FULFORD: New Company to fill U.S. Military Vacuum [FULL Report]
New Company to fill U.S. Military Vacuum
A new military company has been established to fill in the vacuum being left behind as U.S. forces withdraw from the Middle East, Africa, and elsewhere, according to Pentagon, FSB, and MI6 sources. The company has at its disposal hundreds of thousands of Special Forces veterans from the U.S., Israel, the UK, Russia, France, etc. It’s headed by a female former FSB agent and martial arts expert.
This announcement comes as U.S. acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller says:
“We are not a people of perpetual war — it is the antithesis of everything for which we stand and for which our ancestors fought. All wars must end.” https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/national-security/article247175994.html#storylink=cpy
Pentagon sources say they welcome this development because the U.S. military now needs to concentrate on national defense, which these days mainly means “making sure the U.S. does not become a Chinese colony.”
According to its female leader:
The new company has a strong background in anti-terrorism, cybersecurity, and intelligence. It’s apolitical and not connected to any country. The aim is to fill the gap left by the U.S. military by providing security to businesses and key people in high-risk environments.
The company also aims to find outlets for military veterans to ensure they do not go rogue or start working for Rothschild terrorist fronts like Al Qaeda, Islamic State, Antifa or Black Lives Matter, etc.
This development comes amid a change of the guard at the highest levels of the Western power structure as Cesare Forni, head of the P3 freemasons resigned, according to P3 sources. There is now a new leadership team among the groups who run military orders such as the Knights of Malta, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights, etc., the sources say.
They have made a peace offering to Asian secret societies but have not received an answer by the time this report went live.
The lack of an East-West agreement at this level is also what’s behind the current political chaos and deadlock in the U.S.
What is clear is that the Khazarian Mafia offered control of the U.S. to China in exchange for financial support. The plan was to install Joe Biden as President only to have him replaced within a few weeks by Chinese representative slave-in-chief Kamala Harris, according to Asian Secret Society sources.
U.S. President Donald Trump meanwhile continues to strongly protest the blatant theft of the U.S. Presidential election by the Khazarian Mafia and their Chinese allies. Since the bitter fight over the election result has been widely reported elsewhere, we will not dive too deep into the subject this week.
Nonetheless, we note the raid in Frankfurt, Germany where a computer server used in stealing the U.S. election was given to U.S. troops after a raid by German police.
Attempts to read local news articles about this raid were censored.
However, here is a U.S. based report that was not censored.
We also note that Trump has been given a military action plan to deal with the Khazarian Mafia election theft and all that is required is his presidential signature to make it happen.
Militarily speaking all that is required is to occupy the headquarters of the six big media companies that control 90% of U.S. corporate media. They are Viacom, News Corporation, Comcast, CBS, Time Warner, and Disney. In addition, the headquarters of Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft would need to be occupied. Finally, a few hundred arrests need to be made in and around Washington DC. These would be the usual suspects. From a purely military perspective, this could be accomplished within 24 hours.
If POTUS fails to take these actions, U.S. patriots and members of the military who are counting on Trump to save the Constitutional Republic need to ask themselves some hard questions.
The biggest question mark around Trump remains his support of mass vaccinations for the provably fake C19 pandemic. He did try to expose the fraud early on and then realized the wrath of the political backlash that would have become a divisive election issue the Democrats could attack him over. So allowing Fauci and Brix to take the heat for their recommendations as “experts” perhaps seemed like the safest strategy as the magnitude of the “plandemic” unfolded.
Trump may have figured that avoiding millions of deaths would be rewarded come election day and he possibly underestimated the MSM death chorus and unwarranted criticisms that awaited him. No matter how many lives were saved the Democrats would focus attention on the number lost and Joe would do his – empty seat around the dinner table – talk to the camera routine hoping voters forgot how he ridiculed Trump’s shutting down flights from China in January.
Most of the people dying are the elderly being murdered by criminals like Cuomo in NYC old folks homes or placed on medically harmful ventilators unnecessarily to collect the $39,000 insurance bonus conveniently set up to motivate growing the death toll before the election.
For example, Trump recently said:
“In July, my administration reached an agreement with Pfizer to provide $1.95 billion to support the mass manufacturing and distribution of 100 million doses, with the option to purchase a total of 600 million doses shortly thereafter.”
Pfizer is the same company that was forced, among other things, to pay legal settlements to Nigerian families for conducting an allegedly illegal clinical trial of meningitis drugs on children. Many of these children consequently ended up paralyzed from the trials and four children even died.
Now Trump is tweeting Pfizer “has produced a great and safe VACCINE far ahead of schedule…We cannot waste time and can only give it to those states that will use the Vaccine immediately.”
Pfizer itself is now saying:
“Scientists anticipate that the shots will cause enervating flu-like side effects — including sore arms, muscle aches, and fever — that could last days and temporarily sideline some people from work or school.”
Even the highly brainwashed people at the Washington Post are finally starting to wake up and posted an Op-Ed that says in part:
“After so much death and illness, a mystery from the first days of the novel corona|virus has yet to be solved. We still don’t understand its origins or how it became a global killer. The answers lie in China, and quite possibly beyond. The world needs a credible, impartial investigation to better prepare for future pandemics.”
Elon Musk recently said, “Something extremely bogus is going on” after testing positive and negative two times each on four corona|virus tests administered by the same nurse using the same testing device. Now, Musk has apparently been sidelined with “C19.”
Well, Washington Post and Mr. Musk, here is what MI6 has to say about this:
“On February 11, 2020, it was in fact the World Health Organization – WHO – who officially renamed this new corona|virus, SARS-Cov-2, with the now infamous label C19, and acronym for a Certificate of Vaccination ID19.
This vaccination program is designed to restrict freedom of movement by way of technological health passports inside the constitutionally illegal ‘Locked Down’ global nation states. This is a tactical deployment in a strategic undeclared act of hybrid war global genocide or asymmetrical warfare by a criminal syndicate that seeks to murder the vast majority of the world’s population. Thereafter by way of advanced technology exert a global state of total control and utter enslavement. In other words Genocidal Global Totalitarianism – Extremist Global Terrorism.”
The other possibility is that this entire C0VID scam is being used as a kind of initiation ceremony for some sort of global “reset,” be it benign or otherwise.
For example Canadian Prime Minister Justin Castro last week said: “This Pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.”
Also, in what we hope is some kind of joke, we note the Canadian government put out the following tender offer:
“Statistics Canada (STATCAN) has a requirement for the purchase, delivery, off-loading and commissioning of 2 new Programmable Fully Hydraulic Guillotines (hereinafter referred to as Guillotines), including all the related accessories necessary to fulfill the present Requirement as well as hands-on training for its designated operators located in the National Capital Region (NCR).”
Even if this is all some big insider joke by secret societies and elites, the situation on the ground for the average person is anything but funny. In the supposedly rich U.S., there are now millions of Americans who rely on charity to avoid starving to death. For example, there are two million people receiving food aid in greater New York and 500,000 getting it in the San Francisco Bay area.
The situation is so dire that more than 300,000 New Yorkers have bailed from the Big Apple in the last eight months, new stats show.
Worldwide the situation has reached the point where David Beasley the head of the World Food Program says without billions of dollars, “we are going to have famines of biblical proportions in 2021.”
Overall, the longer the West, especially the U.S., remains paralyzed by its leadership crisis, the stronger Asia will get.
Last week, the China-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership RCEP agreement was signed. This groups the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Other countries like Canada, the UK, and India are also considering joining.
In what may or may not be a related development, we have a report from Japanese military intelligence that U.S. Vice President Mike Pence took Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to a ceremony worshipping Molech (aka Satan) before he was allowed to become Prime Minister of Japan. Suga has now turned on the U.S. by joining RCEP.
The United States of China! This is payback to China for helping steal the election for Biden. The Khazarian Mafia has even agreed to hand over New Zealand and Australia.
To conclude, U.S. military and agency White Hats need to force Trump to take military action against the Khazarian Mafia in the U.S. If Trump fails to take action, they need to seriously plan on setting up an interim military regime to clean up the cesspool known as Washington DC. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before they themselves will be forced to line up for food and accept a C0VID RFID vaccine in exchange for a digital wallet.
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