FULFORD: Arrest of Cabal Agent in Japan will be a Game-changer [FULL Report]
Benjamin Fulford
While the U.S. remains locked in a power struggle, a game-changing opportunity is presenting itself in Japan. On Thursday, November 26th Doctor Ryuichi Morishita will be publicly promoting a vaccine that alters human DNA to cure the provably non-existent “Covid 19” virus. Morishita reports to senior Khazarian Mafia agent and former Goldman Sachs employee David Atkinson. Atkinson seems to think he runs Japan on behalf of his Rockefeller and Rothschild masters.
We will be calling the U.S. military at the Yokota Air Base and the Yokosuka Naval Base to ask for military police to be deployed to arrest this man. We urge readers to do the same. The number for Yokota is 0425-53-6611 for local calls and 81-425-53-6611 for international calls. The corresponding numbers for Yokosuka are 0468-16-1110 or 81-468-16-1110.
Ask to speak to a base public affairs representative and inform him or her that a war criminal, who is part of a genocidal plot, will be appearing at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan at 3:00 PM, Japan Standard Time on November 26th. When you call the base, tell them to go up their chain of command until they reach someone at the Joint Chiefs of Staff who can check the facts and verify that yes indeed, an attempted genocide is under-way and that arresting Morishita will help to find the leaders of this genocidal plot. A true fact-based legal investigation will of course be required subsequent to his arrest.
This is all provable information. A trip to any real hospital will reveal the coronavirus is a giant fraud. For those who still don’t get it, here you can see Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Scientific Adviser for Pfizer acknowledging that “we are basing a government policy, an economic policy, a civil liberties policy, in terms of limiting people to six people in a meeting…all based on, what may well be, completely fake data on this coronavirus.”https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/pandemic-over-former-pfizer-chief-science-officer-says-second-wave-faked-false-positive
For additional confirmation listen to top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson explain reality to government officials in Alberta, Canada in a brilliant 5-minute summary https://www.bitchute.com/video/hWPjDdXOWkOo/ of why we should not be tested or vaccinated and how the whole thing is a scam. https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/top-pathologist-claims-covid-19-greatest-hoax-ever-perpetrated-unsuspecting-public
So why are they trying to vaccinate us all for something even the CDC publicly admits they cannot prove exists?
If that fails to convince the U.S. military to take action, then they should listen to the testimony of the Red Dragon Family Ambassador, who reports to the people who really control communist China.
The Ambassador, in a one-hour talk with me and the staff of the Goldfish report, was asked why China stopped exporting all items to the U.S. in February and then resumed again in August. He said they were offered payment by the cabal in real estate, including Australia and New Zealand. https://rumble.com/vbbjln-the-goldfish-report-no.-609-geopolitics-w-the-red-and-white-dragons.html?mref=7vwkz&mc=86oah.
We have also re-confirmed with the Asian secret societies that China was offered a United States of China, including Korea and Japan, in exchange for supporting a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris presidency.
In other words, arresting Morishita and his bosses Heizo Takenaka plus David Atkinson is necessary for the security of U.S. forces in Japan and Korea, not to mention Australia and New Zealand. Failure to act on this provable, actionable intelligence will lead to court-martial and possible criminal charges.
Now, let us look at what is happening elsewhere in the world.
The U.S. remains deadlocked in a bitter power struggle. Since the details of this struggle have been reported elsewhere, we will not go into them here. However, we would like to inform U.S. patriots that Japanese military intelligence estimates the Khazarian Mafia has about 1 million members in the U.S. Their leadership is concentrated at the top management levels of the Fortune 500 companies. Many of their henchmen meet at Synagogues of Satan disguised as Jewish places of worship. Concentrate on the people who are on the boards of multiple multi-national corporations in order to decapitate their leadership and cut off their money.
The move to cut off the Khazarian Mafia’s funding worldwide is proceeding smoothly. As we previously reported, they have already lost control of the SWIFT international inter-bank payments system. They are also now being deprived of their ability to launder money through stock markets. This is being reported in the news as “glitches” that are shutting down stock markets in Europe, the far East, and now Australia.
There is also a fight by Russian, Turkish, and other forces to prevent the Khazarian Mafia from stealing oil revenue in the Middle East.
Russian FSB sources say Turkey and Russia have reached some kind of deal. According to this source, the entire so-called war between Armenia and Azerbaijan supposedly pitting Muslims backed by Turkey against Christians backed by Russia was simply an event staged “to promote a giant arms bazaar.”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov hints at this in a comment reported on Russia’s official Tass News Agency.
Clearly these nations are cooperating to fill a vacuum being left in the region as the U.S. winds down its operations in the region. In the latest, Washington has announced the drawdown of troops to 2,500 in Afghanistan and 2,500 in Iraq by Jan. 15th of next year.
While some details of the Russian/Turkish deal remain obscure, our FSB sources say Russia is moving to provide security to African nations. The article below indicates some sort of Russian-Turkish split of African spheres of influence at the expense of France, the traditional top Western power in Africa.
Speaking about France, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy is now facing a public trial related to various crimes. He was one of the original plotters of the Nazi coup d’etat of 9.11. He also ran France from 2007 to 2012 and knows where a lot of the bodies are buried. Sarkozy was also deeply involved in the international narcotics business.
On that front, we note that Mexico has begun taking decisive action against CIA led drug dealing there. Their government threatened to expel all U.S. agents from the country unless they released a Mexican general who was about to face trial in the U.S. They made it clear that only Mexico had the right to prosecute people who commit crimes in Mexico. The country is also moving to legalize drugs in order to deprive the underworld of funds. This, of course, includes a large part of the U.S. underworld, notably the former Bush crime syndicate in Texas.
The crackdown on drug networks is also starting to shed new light on the use of submarines by transnational criminals. The Nazis and Japanese militarists who went underground at the end of World War II used submarines to smuggle weapons and drugs to help rebuild their forces in the post-war era. This rebuild culminated in the September 11, 2001, Nazi coup d’etat in the United States.
The submarines were also used to stage the March 11, 2011 attack on Fukushima, Japan. Also, submarines controlled by the Nazi faction of the Khazarian Mafia were used in multiple attempts in recent years to try to start World War III. A most notable example of this was when a rogue Israeli submarine fired a nuclear missile at Hawaii in 2018 in an attempt to start WWIII by blaming the attack on North Korea. The missile was intercepted by U.S. forces and the submarine in question was sunk, Pentagon sources reported at the time.
Hopefully, the public will soon be informed of this, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz:
“Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced on Sunday that he has established a governmental commission of inquiry into Israel’s procurement of submarines and other naval vessels in the so-called ‘submarine affair.’”
The public is starting to wake up anyway. Here for example are some tweets from Glenn Greenwald, a mainstream corporate journalist who is going through a similar mental process to the one I went through after I left Forbes Magazine:
“CNN and NBC and others now employ little hall monitor dweebs whose only purpose is to pressure other platforms to censor or block the voices that are most threatening to them. It’s not journalism: it’s quashing of dissent. That’s their function: it’s vital to see NBC News is a huge corporate conglomerate that has always existed to disseminate U.S. Government, CIA and corporate propaganda.”
When NBC propagandist Ben Collins tried to chastise him, Greenwald replied:
“Does your employment there ever make you think that your self-conception as a brave, intrepid journalist confronting corrupt power centers might be a fraud?” — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 16, 2020
It difficult for many of these corporate propagandists to take a principled stand like Mr. Greenwald, because they know they will probably end up like these people in Texas lining up in their cars for food.
In any case, it is not just corporate journalists who are waking up. Last week, Lin Wood, attorney for Donald Trump, said:
“This country is going to be shocked to find out the truth about who’s been occupying the Oval Office for some period of years. They’re going to be shocked at the level of pedophilia. They are going to be shocked at what I believe is going to be a revelation in terms of people who are engaged in satanic worship.”
Also, while we do not want to reveal operational details while the battle is still raging, we can say that a major re-alignment is taking place at the top levels of Western secret societies. These involve such groups as the Scottish Rite Freemasons, the Russian secret societies, the Illuminati, the Knights of Malta, the P3 Freemasons, etc. What we can say is that the White Hats are winning decisively and this will be very good news for the people and living creatures of this planet.
However, in a sign the battle is not over, the Davos Economic Forum, the people behind Fukushima, etc. are trying to seize funds meant for saving the planet while pretending to put on a nice face by saying:
“We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems…Rather than using these funds, as well as investments from private entities and pension funds, to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run.”
It sounds good until you realize they are also calling for using the “C19 crisis” to push “diagnostics, therapeutics, and possible vaccines; establish testing centers; create mechanisms for tracing infections, and deliver telemedicine.” Since C0VID is fictional, this appears to be an excuse for hi-tech totalitarianism.
In conclusion this week, we must not lose sight of what makes us human and remember far more important goals are to live long, healthy lives and turn this planet into a paradise for all living creatures. We are seeing positive developments examining how natural processes can heal illness and reverse biological aging in humans.