FULFORD: Global warming faction sues for peace as Khazarian mafia purge intensifies [FULL Report]
There were big moves last week at the top of the worlds’ secret power structure, Asian and Western secret society sources say. The moves were triggered when Queen Elizabeth II asked the White Dragon Society to “Please send our good wishes from the Venetian families to our friends and neighbors in the East.”
The Asians were asked to note the following speech by the Queen:
The speech reads in part as follows:
“For more than seventy years, I have been lucky to meet and to know many of the world’s great leaders…it has sometimes been observed that what leaders do for their people today is government and politics. But what they do for the people of tomorrow – that is statesmanship…the world has the chance to join in the shared objective of creating a safer, stabler future for our people and for the planet on which we depend…we are doing this not for ourselves but for our children and our children’s children, and those who will follow in their footsteps.”
The Asian secret societies answered (in part) as follows:
“We carry out our actions with the big picture of the world in mind…the planet is moving in a good direction. Please rest at ease.”
This does not mean the Asians are buying into the lie that carbon is causing global warming or even that there is global warming.
Instead, the Asians proposed “we keep it simple and launch a massive project to increase the amount and variety of life including human life.”
It is interesting to note in this context, that La Palma is calming down as are the problems with the three Gorges dam. It is probably just a coincidence.
In any case, after this exchange Mi6 sent the following message: “The deal has been done, the rest is housekeeping.”
This housekeeping, of course, begins with an intensified purge of the Khazarian mafia from their last holdouts. This is taking place both in the West and in Asia. What is being removed is “The cult that is controlling Antonio Guterres in the United Nations,” Western secret society sources say.
In Asia, the two big unfinished items of business are Korea and Taiwan. The Asian secret societies promise the peaceful reunifications of Taiwan with the mainland and of North Korea with South Korea are in the pipeline.
In the West, however, the following quote from a European royal makes it clear this will be no ordinary reckoning:
“The atrocity exacted upon the Russian Imperial family by the KM and many others around the world has not gone unnoticed. A very vast endeavor to expose this heinous hate crime is ongoing to root out and kill –we repeat kill- all concerned.”
The Rockefellers financed Trotsky and Lenin to overthrow the Czar because he refused to grant them oil concessions in Russia so; it is a pretty good guess that family is now being purged root and branch.
The removal of David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook and the renaming of that company as “Meta,” Hebrew for death, is a clear sign. The subsequent removal from Meta of face recognition data on a billion people shows the change in management.
The disappearance of Zuckerbergs’ “Jens Psaki” White House spokestrans persona is a clear sign the purge is well underway.
The Rockefeller-owned pharmacidical companies behind the fake pandemic and the real mass vaccination campaign are also now being targeted. “They get a knock on the door and we say we know who you are we know what you are doing and you better knock it off,” explains MI6. “Later we will suck them all up with a giant vacuum cleaner,” they add.
The purge of the pharmacidical mafia is now undeniable. We can confirm for example that the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla
The purge of the pharmacidical mafia is now undeniable. We can confirm for example that the CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla was arrested last week. The corporate propaganda media has been hysterically trying to say this is not true. However, they are all now being forced to run stories saying that “new miracle pills” cure 89% of Covid cases and thus mean vaccines are no longer necessary.
As MI6 explains it “They are winding it down with this story about how a pill would fix it.”
In Japan, there are now zero new cases because the real cause of COVID, Rockefeller, and Rothschild family agents, have been all rounded up. All sorts of politicians and gangsters are now vanishing in Japan.
The following news items show how the fake pandemic is being systematically wound down elsewhere as well:
“UK first to approve oral antiviral molnupiravir to treat Covid.”
“The era of anti-Covid pills begins.”
“Pfizer Shares Surge After Release Of ‘Miracle’ COVID Pill That Is 89% Effective At Preventing Hospitalization”
“Italian newspaper Il Tempo reports that the Institute has revised downward the number of people who have died from COVID rather than with COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000, a 97.1% drop.”
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has stayed the Biden administration’s new vaccination requirement for private companies.
The end of the fake pandemic is hastened by the imbibing of many high-level cabal operatives. Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was executed at Guantanamo, according to the CIA. His disappearance forced the corporate propaganda media to claim he had been arrested on sex charges.
California Governor Gavin Newson has also disappeared from the public eye because he was also arrested, according to the CIA.
These removals are part of a process to end the entire fake Joe Biden regime, CIA sources promise. That process has begun with the arrest of Russian analyst Igor Danchenko as part of John Durham’s ongoing investigation into the fake Trump-Russia dossier.
Danchenko’s arrest comes shortly after the indictment of Michael Sussman for his alleged role in spreading the false Russia conspiracy theory. Sussman was a former adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
Those operatives are now singing like canaries about their boss Hillary Rockefeller Hanover Clinton and her entourage, CIA sources say. Since the fake Fuck Joe Biden regime is a front for Clinton, his days are numbered. Her minions in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and elsewhere are also doomed.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, for example, now wears an ankle bracelet with GPS monitoring, according to Australian intelligence sources. Morrison is under the control of the Alliance.
He is cooperating with them, the sources said. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was also revealed to be a lying psychopath when she abruptly ended a press conference after being asked why COVID was spreading fastest in countries like Israel that had been thoroughly vaccinated. It won’t be around much longer, Australian sources promise. The arrest of Canadian Justin Castro is also only a matter of time, Canadian intelligence sources say. The following video makes it clear that Trudeau/Castro is a felon.
The collapse of the EU is also progressing. There, the Polexit drama is being followed by Czexit as the new Czech government rejects the euro.
The Russians have upgraded their military along the border with the rogue Ukrainian regime to demonstrate their power. However, FSB sources say the Russians want to wait for further collapse of the EU before making any big moves. Of course, the Ukrainian regime is close to the original homeland of the Khazarian mafia, so its fate is closely tied to Israels.
On this front, the Syrians have presented to the world the results of their interrogation of captured Israeli Colonel Yossi Elon Shahak. Shahak has confirmed that ISIS (Israeli Intelligence) was an Israeli operation. He says, “Israel instructed ISIS to commit crimes under the guise of Islam in order to eliminate the call for peaceful dialogue between religions.
ISIS’s theatrical acts of terror were meant to panic the European Union as it faced a trumped-up refugee crisis, he told Syrians. All in all, Shahak has confirmed what this author has long maintained, that the KM who rule Israel are trying to unleash a massive clash of civilizations that would leave Israel as the last man standing in the ring.
Of course, Israel itself is a slave colony ultimately run by the pharaonic Octagon Group headquartered in Switzerland. These are the people who replaced Pope Francis with a rubber-masked fake and also run the fake Biden presidency. They also now rule Thailand by holding its king hostage in Germany.
Since our webmaster was poisoned in Thailand last week, the responsibility for the attack ultimately goes back to this king. Here is what a European King had to say about him: the new King of Thailand is a vile drug addict and a disgrace to his family and all emperors and kings in East and West. As we say, a creep who must be removed.
Speaking of creeps: We note that PayPal – founded by Elon Musk and Peter Thiel – has once again attacked us financially by cutting off our webmaster. WDS has put a bounty on these men before, then secretly withdrew it when PayPal blatantly stole $15,000 from this author.
At the time, some high-level criminals offered to collect the bounty by killing Musk and Thiel with electromagnetic weapons. The WDS declined because, on balance, these men seemed to be doing more good than harm.
However, we hereby challenge them to an open debate about the future of this planet. Unfortunately, it is likely that they are too cowardly to accept this challenge. In that case, we may have to reconsider the bounty, WDS says.
Finally, this week we would like to point out a recent increase in UFO sightings.
For example, this video shows what looks like a UFO exodus from Boston. Perhaps now that the fake pandemic is subsiding, the fake UFO invasion is next? Or is the quarantine on planet Earth about to end for good? Let’s wait and see. For now, however, we must not rely on ET or even divine help. It will be up to us humans to save the planet. Remember, this is the only place in the universe where we can live right now. Let’s fix it.
By Benjamin Fulford