FULFORD: Klaus Schwab and Christine Lagarde turned in major white hat victory [FULL Report]
Benjamin Fulford
The coalition fighting to liberate the planet earth from Satanic control scored a major victory last week by seizing de facto control of the UN and the European Central Bank, Mossad and US Space Command (USC) sources say. This is what was behind the visits to Antarctica by World Economic Forum Director Klaus Schwab and EU Central Bank head Christine Lagarde last week.
Schwab-Lagarde and their teams thought they were going to Rothschild Island in Antarctica to get new Khazarian mafia marching orders. What they did not know was that Rothschild Island has been taken over by the earth liberation alliance.
This is what a USC source had to say:
The Schwab team did not know what the trip was about. They were following orders from their masters, or so they thought. A little deception was played. They were given the choice to either join the alliance/benevolent beings or be eliminated. They chose the former. “The proof will be in the pudding” as the saying goes.
We have been told to watch for the change when they return. There will be several government officials who will be tested positive and go into “self-quarantine” within the next 2 weeks or so. We know what that means.
Into this: Schwab, a member of the Rothschild family -who own the UN-has already given marching orders… The biggest sign is the obvious unwinding of the “pandemic” fear and vaccination campaign as the following news shows:
The Epoch Times reported Friday that the WHO had finally returned its requests for comment and confirmed that the agency couldn’t specify a single death that’s attributable to omicron.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky confirmed Friday afternoon that the US has only seen one patient hospitalized due to omicron
So suddenly a “500 times more deadly new variant” is officially turning out to be a dud.
This news also hints at the new marching orders given to Lagarde:
New German Finance Minister Christian Lindner has made his debut as finance minister by announcing a €60 billion euro injection in the climate. The funds will be sourced from previously unused debt.
This is a sign the German central bank has been taken over and the “unused debt” is fiat money being printed for environmental protection reasons.
So, we are seeing leaders downplay pandemic fears while they print money for reasons other than war and disease.
Remember, what we are ultimately dealing with is a battle over the psychological process of deciding what we as a species do in the future. The battle is between those who want to use fear and hate to enslave us and those who want to build a better future together. On this front, we are getting multiple contacts about a mass meditation on December 21st to promote positive thinking. These meditations are not religious but rather intended to increase positive thinking because the best way to deal with a negative is with a positive.
Speaking about positive, there are signs the corporate propaganda media is about to be taken over by the White hats. In particular, CIA sources are telling us that CNN is about to be
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