FULFORD he Rockefeller “rules-based world order” circles the drain of history [Short Report]
Benjamin Fulford
Today is January 31st, a payment deadline the Rockefellers have to make. All signs indicate their check has bounced. They now have until February 18th to come up with the money or be bankrupted.
What money are we talking about? The Rockefeller proxy fake Biden regime ran up a record $1.08 trillion trade deficit in 2021 and added more than $2 trillion to US federal debt to bring the total to $30 trillion. That means they need to come up with $3 trillion or their entire fake regime collapses.
Remember, their clan, -headed by the fugitive criminal David Rockefeller Jr,- control what they call the “rules based world order.” Whose rules? Their rules. Their servants run the UN, the World Bank, NATO, the Fortune 500 companies etc. Remember the heads of these organizations were appointed, not elected. So, when the Rockefellers are bankrupted, it will mean all of these power centers will revert to the control of the people.
Even if they manage to get their Chinese Communist Party servants to hand over the Chinese people’s money; that still will not save them. That is because the Chinese Communist Party, reeling under $118 trillion of debt, worth 833% of their GDP, is also bankrupt.
Even if they use fiat money and fake accounting to pretend they are still solvent, that will not help because they are being hunted. The Rockefellers murdered the Tsar of Russia and his family after he refused to grant them oil concessions. The Khazarian mafia then started a reign of terror that killed over 50 million Russians. Russian patriots are now getting their justice and have begun systematically hunting down the entire extended Rockefeller clan and their servants, according to FSB sources.
Speaking about servants, let us talk about their fascist/communist servant Justin Castro of Canada. Thanks to the patriotic truckers who descended on Ottawa, he is the first Prime Minister in Canadian history to run into hiding from his own people.
This is a message to David McGuinty, who I went to high school with and who heads Canada’s secret services: “If you do not want to face a Nuremberg-style tribunal for war crimes, then you need to grow a pair and arrest Castro.” Just like Adolf Hitler, Castro only got 33% of the popular vote and yet he is using that to try to turn Canada into a fascist dictatorship. The Canadian military did not win at Vimy ridge just to see Canada taken over by a brother murdering fascist foreign agent. Here is my advice to the Canadian military: take Castro up on his bluff and “follow the science.” Send military police into hospitals around the country and check facts with front-line doctors. You will find Castro and his fellow fascist/communist agents have been using a renamed common cold (which is a coronavirus) to destroy democracy in Canada and vaccinate Canadians with dangerous substances. You can start your fact-checking here:
“Military Vax Data Rocks DC: Catastrophic Injury Toll Exposed At Sen. Johnson Hearing”
Remember, Canadians who support vaccinations do so only because the controlled media has told them lies about the so-called pandemic. Also, ask yourselves why your top generals were removed based on lies and innuendos, and replaced with puppets. Do not trust anyone who has not personally seen combat. Whatever you do, refuse to take action against your fellow patriot truckers and farmers now fighting to liberate Canada. Here is a message from one of the protesters in Ottawa: “Canada just woke the fuck up!!” Long live free Canada.
OK, now let us look at how Khazarian mafia rule is collapsing around the world.
The first thing we notice is that truckers around the world are now emulating Canada and preparing to stop economic activity until the Khazarian criminal puppet regimes are removed.
There are also huge, demonstrations going on all over Europe. Here is just one example from Belgium where a million-person protest is being held in a country of 11 million people.
The scale of the protests means many former top members of the Khazarian mafia are now surrendering and agreeing to a peace and reconciliation process. For example, Nathaniel Rothschild contacted us again to say
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