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Government Politics - Political Party

House Democrats Already Preparing Trump Investigations – They Warn Of Heavy Penalties If Evidence Is Destroyed

McConnell Gets Unanimously Reelected as Majority Leader

After Nancy Questions If Trump Is Fit For Office – Congressman Collins Calls For Removal Of Speaker Pelosi In Resolution

Russia And Iran Have Obtained Some US Voter Information, Are Attempting To Intimidate Voters, FBI Says

Pelosi Loses it During Interview With CNN’s Wolf Blitzer

Can We Just Retire the Democrat Party?

Pelosi Introduces Legislation to Empower Congress to Remove Trump From Office

Democrats Say We Should “Just Move On” From Russian Hoax, Stop Investigations

Democrats Promise Retaliation if Trump Fills Ginsburg Seat; Japan’s New Direction With Presidential Shift

Schiff Encourages ‘Good Conscience’ Republicans to Resign From Trump Administration

McConnell Characterizes Schumer Perfectly

Top Dem Slams Omar: ‘She Doesn’t Belong in Our Party’

Senator John Kennedy Thinks Pelosi has Eaten ‘Tide Pods’

Senate Democrats block COVID-19 relief bill using filibuster

Biden Orders Arrest Of Young Pregnant Mother As Fear Warning To Trump Supporter

Former GOP Rep Explains Why Schiff Could Lose Security Clearance

House Democrats Seeking to Restrict Attorney General Bill Barr From Any Travel Outside DC

Trump Throws “Q Bomb” As “Commie Fest 2020” Ghost Convention Dumpster Fire Burns

DNC Doubles Down On Lie About Trump Calling Asylum Seekers Animals

DEBT SUICIDE: Democrats pushing for $3.4 trillion in new “stimulus” money to bail out failing Democrat-run states