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Conservative Hero Confirms House Speaker Run

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Conservative Hero Confirms House Speaker Run

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), head of the House Freedom Caucus, revealed in an exclusive interview today with Curt Schilling that he plans to enter the House Speaker's race to succeed retiring Speaker Paul Ryan. (Breitbart)


“Right now, the most important thing is we do what we said,” Jordan added. “We get the right kind of immigration bill across the finish line, we actually make the tax cuts permanent, we fight for the values we told the American people [we would], we reform welfare. I mean, these are the kind of things we told the American people we were going to do and I think more important than who the Speaker is next year is what we do this year because if we don’t do the right things this year, we might not have a race for Speaker. Maybe it would be a race for minority leader so let’s stay focused on what we got to do, and everything else will take that step.”

The race to replace Ryan as Speaker–whether it happens on Ryan’s schedule at the end of this Congress or if it happens sooner–is surely going to be a battle for the heart and soul of the new Republican Party. Ryan has carried on the leadership style of ousted former House Speaker John Boehner, while every candidate for the Speakership in Ryan’s wake will instead make populist appeals to the working-class party of Trump. For instance, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has appeared with Trump at campaign rallies most recently in the Iron Range of Minnesota in Duluth — a working-class neighborhood — while writing an op-ed for Breitbart News on how to reign in Silicon Valley’s “Masters of the Universe.” Majority Whip Steve Scalise has aimed to appear lockstep with the president on immigration. And Jordan is now announcing his plans for a speakership bid with Schilling.

Jordan is not among the voices pushing for an immediate ouster of Ryan, which would trigger a Speakership election in the chaotic months before the midterm elections. However, Ryan's position is seen by many as increasingly untenable. 

At the latest, there will be a new speaker next January when the next session of Congress convenes. Many Republicans have urged Jordan, who in addition to his conservative bona fides serves on the powerful House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, to run.