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The Left Gets Another Accusation Wrong


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\The Left Gets Another Accusation Wrong

The left is now claiming that Roger Stone violated campaign finance law and that Trump is one step closer to being taken down.

Well, they are wrong. Campaign Finance Attorney Dan Backer explains why:

A federal grand jury recently indicted Roger Stone for obstructing the Mueller investigation, making false statements and witness tampering. The 66-year-old Stone was arrested in an early-morning raid by armed SWAT teams — a strong-arm tactic traditionally reserved for Mafia bosses — in a move hat-tipped to CNN. (So much for the Mueller investigation’s impartiality.)

The anti-Trump left’s immediate response was typical, with talking heads referencing campaign finance violations that somehow implicate the White House. They were loud, and they were wrong. While the indictment relates to Stone’s conduct during the Mueller investigation with respect to his subsequent statements about campaign-era hacked emails damaging to Hillary Clinton, it does not accuse him of any crimes committed during the 2016 campaign — or anything campaign finance-related.


Stone is accused of (but in no way charged for) having sought information as it pertains to the hacked emails, and the timing of the release of those emails by a third party. That is not a “thing of value” under campaign finance law, a threshold that must be met in order for a campaign finance violation to have occurred.

Let’s be clear: Those who hacked Clinton’s emails can and should be prosecuted, and their motivations are indeed nefarious. But those emails were made public. Even if they weren’t, the emails still wouldn’t constitute a “thing of value,” as defined by the Federal Election Commission.

The article goes on to point out that Stone's indictment is only about his actions during the Mueller investigation and has nothing to do with his time working for Trump in 2016.