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One Unbelievable Secret Could Guarantee Trump’s Re-Election

Kelly Walsh

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Democrats are dreaming of defeating President Trump in 2020.

And they’re falling over themselves to get the chance to take him on.

But one unbelievable secret could guarantee the President’s re-election next year.

The Democratic presidential candidates who are running to defeat Donald Trump in 2020 have a massive skeleton in their closet.

And it’s one that could leave Americans feeling betrayed by the party that bills itself as “for the working people.”

This dirty little secret could all but guarantee President Trump’s re-election, and show that much of the Democratic presidential field are nothing more than giant hypocrites.

Bloomberg reports, “Wall Street has long been a deep well from which presidential candidates draw hundreds of millions of dollars for advertising, travel, and staff. As the presidential race gears up, almost the entire Democratic field is hitting up the industry’s donors.”

This, at the same time that many in the Democratic field have railed against Wall Street and the influence of big money in politics.

And yet, many aren’t shying away from courting Wall Street donors.

“It’s hard to believe that they think that campaign contributions from wealthy Wall Street donors might not also be a liability,” says Ann Ravel, a former chairperson of the Federal Election Commission.

At the same time, Ravel says that the field of candidates is so large that any advantage someone can get, even to the point of courting Wall Street money, is one that each candidate needs to take.

“Near the end of April, Buttigieg said he was returning $30,250 from lobbyists. Two days later, Biden said he was rejecting support from super PACs to increase his appeal to middle-class voters. Super PACs blossomed after the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, and they now raise unlimited amounts from companies and people,” reports Bloomberg.

Yet there are ways around this that allow candidates to mislead voters into thinking they aren’t taking money from Wall Street.

“New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand, who was a corporate lawyer before becoming a senator, and her New Jersey colleague Cory Booker, a Wall Street favorite for years, have both said they won’t take money from corporate PACs. But Buttigieg, Biden, Gillibrand, and Booker are meeting with bankers and investors to talk policy or raise money,” adds