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Trump Threatens Veto on Badly Divided Democrats


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The Trump administration is threatening to veto a $4.5 billion House bill ostensibly funding border security over growing concerns from conservatives that the legislation deliberately lacks funding for necessary security measures. (Fox News)


In a statement issued by the White House Monday night, the administration warned that the bill would be vetoed this week if passed.

"After ignoring the Administration's request for desperately needed funding to address the humanitarian crisis at the border for over a month, and despite the efforts of the House minority, the House majority has put forward a partisan bill that underfunds necessary accounts and seeks to take advantage of the current crisis by inserting policy provisions that would make our country less safe," the statement reads.

Some of the provisions added by Democrats include measures that withhold funding from detention centers at the border. The push to pass the bill comes as reports of child deaths after being detained at the border continue to grow.

Customs and Border Protection Chief Operating Officer John Sanders told The Associated Press last week that children have died after being in the agency's care. He said Border Patrol stations are holding 15,000 people — more than triple their maximum capacity of 4,000.

With a badly divided Democratic caucus, it is unclear if the bill in its current form could pass. Progressives to Nancy Pelosi's left are openly challenging any attempts to fund the White House's border policies.