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Donald Trump Just Scored a Massive Victory Thanks No One Saw Coming

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President Trump is on a roll.

This year has seen the President score victory after victory even in the face of opposition from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer unlike anything seen before.

And now, a new shock poll just gave President Trump his biggest reason to smile yet.

President Trumpkicked off 2019 with a bang.

After beating Democrats at their own game during the government shutdown earlier this year, the President scored his biggest victory on immigration to date when construction on the border wall with Mexico finally began to get underway.

Democrats screamed bloody murder however and vowed to block it.

But so far, they’ve failed to do anything to stop the President and are rapidly running out of options.

Adding to the problems Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer face is that President Trump is on the right side of American public opinion.

And a new poll that was just released shows how badly the Democrats miscalculated.

According to a new Gallup poll, “Americans’ concern with immigration continues to be heightened, as 23% name it the most important problem facing the country. This is by one percentage point the highest Gallup has ever measured for the issue since it first began recording mentions of immigration in 1993.”

The trendline is clear.

Democrats’ efforts to champion the rights of illegal aliens over that of the American people are costing them support across the board.

And aside from their far-left base, few Americans seem to think that the approach Pelosi and Schumer want to take on immigration would work.

President Trumpcampaigned on immigration reform, ending illegal immigration, and securing the border from the day he announced.

And his campaign arguably was successful because of this issue more than anything else.

For years he’s had to battle Congressional Democrats who would want nothing more than to see endless waves of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States so they can be given amnesty and eventually citizenship.

But now, it’s President Trump who is on the offensive, and the new Gallup poll shows that Democrats have much to be worried about.

“Mentions of immigration have been higher on average in 2019 than in any prior year. The 20% average to date compares with 14% in 2018, and no more than 10% in any other year,”adds Gallup.

“Yet immigration has typically finished behind the government as the nation’s top problem over the past three years, and did so again this month, when 26% of Americans named the government. Government has finished ahead of immigration in all but two months since February 2017 (July and November 2018). This included a record 35% naming the government in February.”

While Pelosi tries to avoid bringing up other top issues for Democrats like impeachment, and Schumer worries about how Democrats can retake the US Senate in 2020, President Trump continues to hammer away at one of the fastest growing issues in America today.

And that may just cement his re-election chances in 2020.