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Trey Gowdy Delivered the Worst News Ever to This Top Trump Challenger

American Patriot Daily

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The Democratic presidential field is in for a rude awakening.

Many of them are claiming that they can flip key states that President Trump carried in 2016.

But Trey Gowdy shot that down in an instant after he delivered the worst news ever to this top Trump challenger.

Democrats running for president in 2020 are looking to expand the playing field of states that could be contested in the electoral college.

After President Trump stunned the nation in 2016 in his historic defeat of Hillary Clinton that was made possible by flipping so many major states in the Midwest that had remained solid Democratic strongholds for over 30 years, Democrats were left scrambling.

The only way to defeat President Trump in 2016 is to either flip those states back, retake North Carolina and Florida, or expand the map in other ways.

And one such Democratic challenger thinks he can expand the map by flipping a state no one has on their radar: South Carolina.

Unfortunately for Democrats, former Congressman Trey Gowdy has news for them, and it isn’t pretty either.

Fox News reports, “Former U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy isn’t buying Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg’s assertion that South Carolina could turn blue in the 2020 presidential election.”

Buttigieg spent much of late June campaigning in South Carolina, which serves as one of the early states in the Democratic primary cycle.

And the Democratic challenger has continued to claim that he can flip South Carolina from red to blue in 2020.

The only problem is that reality says otherwise.

“I would be willing to bet you, unless it’s a nontraditional nominee on the Democrat side, they are not coming back to South Carolina after they win the nomination. They don’t have a chance in 2020,” Gowdy said on Fox News. “The only way Democrats can win is if the Republican Party is fractured — and that is how we lost our last statewide race.”

Gowdy, who served several terms in Congress representing South Carolina in the House of Representatives, made it clear that Buttigieg’s dreams of flipping the Palmetto State in 2020 were nothing more than wild fantasies to gin up his base.

Yet Buttigieg remains adamant that he thinks he can win it.

“I think that every state is on the table and there is no reason to believe that it is written in stone that South Carolina must vote Republican all the time,” Buttigieg said at a campaign stop in South Carolina last week.

“Gowdy said he was happy that both Democrats and Republicans were campaigning in the state but was confident Republicans had the state locked up,” concludes Fox News.

This presents a big problem for Buttigieg.

Not only is he behind in the state’s primary election to former Vice President Joe Biden, whom Gowdy predicts will carry the state, but Buttigieg also has no room for error in the general election against Trump if he even emerges as the nominee.