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After Joe Biden Surges As Frontrunner – Swing State Polls Versus Trump Show Donald Leading In All Three

Adam Casalino

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March 10, 2020


After months of being stuck in the middle of the pack, Joe Biden is the “frontrunner” of the Democratic race.

Bernie Sanders doesn’t even seem willing to fight back. Unless something unexpected occurs, Biden will end up the nominee.

So, people are beginning to wonder how November will shape up. How will Joe Biden (a man who can’t remember his old boss’s name) will match up against President Trump?

Well, some numbers are in, and they’re not what many were expecting.

From Breitbart:

A poll conducted March 5 through March 7 shows that President Donald Trump still leads former Vice President Joe Biden in a matchup in key battleground states…

In Michigan and Wisconsin, Trump leads Biden by two points. In Pennsylvania, Trump leads Biden by one point.

Wow. New polls have been released that show Trump is leading Biden in swing states Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Required disclaimer of polling: we know that these numbers aren’t always accurate. In 2016, most of the pollsters got it way wrong.

But even with their inherent liberal bias, they have to admit Trump’s got a lead in these blue-collar states.

These are the same states he won in 2016. Do you think these voters will abandon Trump now?

Trump has made good on every last promise. He’s brought jobs back to the United States. He’s slashed taxes and helped bring wages way up.

He has shown himself to be a man of the people who puts America first.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is just as far-left as the rest of the party. He wants to cripple American innovation. On top of that, he promised to raise taxes and ban fracking.

Oh good, Joe. Destroy the very things bringing prosperity to America!

Then there’s Joe Biden’s troubling mental decline.

Do you think voters from these swing states are ready to oust Trump in exchange for Sleepy Joe?