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Democrats Accuse Donald Of Wasting 2 Months In COVID – Turns Out They Spent That Time Trying To Remove President Trump

Adam Casalino

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March 13, 2020



President Trump took quick, decisive action against the coronavirus—long before anyone else was concerned.

But what have the Democrats done? Remember, they originally criticized Trump for closing the border to China.

They continue to sit back and complain at every turn.

Now, some are saying Trump took too long before acting. Yeah, that’s rich.

Because these Democrats were doing something very different as the problem began.

From Daily Caller:

Connecticut Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Thursday that he was “appalled and astonished that we have lost a critical two months” in dealing with the coronavirus situation, but he left out the fact that, while terrifying reports flowed in from China, his own party stressed instead the urgency of impeaching President Donald Trump.

Sen. Blumenthal attacked Trump, saying he wasted two months before dealing with the coronavirus.

Oh, really? What were the Democrats doing during that same period? Democrats in the House and Senate were running with their impeachment hoax.

As concerns grew in China over the spread of the virus, the liberal media was hyping up Trump’s “removal” from office.

Democrats spent all their time and energy impeaching the president over a phone call.

Why didn’t they raise any concerns over COVID-19? Why didn’t they urge the president to close the borders?

Why didn’t they call for action or demand legislation to curb this crisis?

They did nothing. Only Trump was the first to act. Even as the Democrats moved the impeachment to the Senate, Trump was taking action on the virus.

As Democrats complained on Twitter, Trump was putting together his task force.

Democrats accused Trump of calling coronavirus a “hoax.” Trump was working to secure borders and quarantine sick people.

It’s pretty rich to think Democrats are wasting time, while Americans are worried. Blumenthal thinks it’s better to complain and point fingers.

Shouldn’t he be working with Trump to get things done? Shouldn’t he be coordinating with the Senate to pass legislation?

I guess that’s something we should all be asking.