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Biden Used These Lies to Attack Trump

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  • 2020-03-17
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff

    By Daniel Schwen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Joe Biden and his campaign put forward an attack ad against Trump and it is insane. Many lies have been spread about the President over the past few years of him being a candidate and the President of the United States and this one ad has almost all of them. Here is the ad:



    Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330)



    We can't sit by and lose this country to Donald Trump. Today, we take it back — together.

    Go vote:

    Just in case you couldn’t catch the sneaker ones, here are the biggest lies in the ad:

    1.) The American Dream is Dead

    In the ad, you can see the clips are edited together to make it seem like Trump stated that the American Dream was dead and that was where his remarks ended. The truth is Trump said in one of his 2015 rallies that the American Dream is dead under the Obama administration. This was then followed by Trump telling rallygoers that he was going to bring it back if elected. 


    2.) Very Fine People

    The very fine people remark is a well-known lie told about the President. According to the left, the President referred to crypto-fascists and White nationalists at the Charlottesville rally as very fine people. This is not what was said but the President did slip up in not choosing his words carefully, he said that people on both sides had some very fine people. By both sides, he was referring to both sides of the debate on keeping confederate statues up, not crypto-fascists and communists. 

    3.) Coronavirus Hoax

    The most despicable part of the Biden attack ad was that his team had edited out an entire paragraph of Trump's speech to make it look like he had said that the Coronavirus was a hoax. Total crap, Trump said that the media’s portrayal of his administration’s response to the virus was a total hoax.

    4.) Trump Clarifies

    This one is a little odd, even if you misunderstood the speech at Trump’s rally and thought he said it was a hoax he had clarified it the next day. It is demonstrable that the Biden campaign would still push this junk ad despite having full knowledge that they were lying.

    Bonus.) Twitter WAR


    By David Ferreira [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Twitter is well known for having a massive bias towards the left and this ad shows it. They implemented new rules to shut down ads and videos that were deceptively edited, but this video from Biden will not be targeted by these rules. This is another move that exposes the extreme political bias of Twitter.