The Worst Democrat-Created Crises Plaguing the Country
TTN Staff
There are major issues facing the United States as a country and major issues that impact the everyday lives of Americans across the country. While a lot of issues we face are the result of changes to the world and its economy there are issues that we face that were caused by politicians making decisions about our lives. Here are the biggest issues Americans face that are a direct result of Democrat policy:
Immigration Nightmare
The current crisis on the southern border is a direct result of the things Democrats have said publicly for the world to see and policy enacted by the Biden Administration. Democrats are signaling for immigrant caravans to come into the country and Biden’s immigration policy has enabled these immigrants to illegally enter the country with no consequences.
As a result of these policy changes cartels are growing stronger and the drug trade is benefiting as a result of this newfound strength. Biden shut down the border wall which served as a powerful symbol and made many think twice about illegally entering the country.
Roaming Thief Gangs
For years retail stores have been in decline, this is largely due to growth in the online sector but recent changes in local prosecuting habits have caused a new issue for retail. Local liberal prosecutors in America’s biggest cities have decided that petty theft is not a crime that should be punished.
In San Francisco gangs of thieves have been entering brand name stores like Walgreens and CVS and simply stealing everything they see, they keep these daylights heists under $2000 per person so they can avoid going to jail. These thefts have resulted in 5 Walgreens closing in San Francisco.
Massive Inflation
Prices are going up around the country and Democrat policy is to blame. Food prices, furniture prices, chip prices, and so many more goods are going up in cost. Ports are backed up and goods are struggling to make it into the country, this is causing prices to rise as a result and Americans are left footing the bill.
Rising Crime Rates
Crime rates are rising across the country and many Americans are being victimized as a result. Democrat prosecutors are letting criminals walk instead of pursuing jail time, Democrat officials have removed bail systems and this lets those who were recently arrested go back out on the street.
Vaccine Mandate
Democrat President Joe Biden put forward a statement telling companies to pursue a vaccination mandate and terminate employees who do not get the jab. This has led to major staffing issues at hospitals and now fire and police departments are facing potential staffing issues.
Paging all Crazies
The Democrat party has given a platform to some of the most bizarre voices. Some of these extremely radical individuals have been emboldened by Democrat figures like Alexandira Occasio Cortez and Ilhan Omar. These radical individuals are responsible for several violent attacks including an attempted bombing of an ICE facility.
Expensive Gasoline
Gasoline is one of those items that has gone up in price significantly. The rise in gas prices is a result of climate policy the Biden administration has put forward. The administration also shut down a crucial oil pipeline that would have helped reduce the cost of gasoline.
Violence in the Streets and around the Country
In the city of Portland, Oregon there is a civil war held on a daily basis. Two radical groups clash and beat the snot out of each other, things hit a flash point several months ago when one man was put on his knees and shot in the back of the head in an execution style murder. This brazen violence was encouraged by Democrat figures, Maxine Waters famously told an angry crowd to get in peoples faces and meet them in the streets.
World Standing
America’s reputation has been crippled as a result of the Biden Administration. The withdrawal from Afghanistan cost the US American lives, billions in taxpayer dollars, and America’s world standing. Key allies no longer trust the United States to complete basic objectives internationally or uphold our end of international agreements.
The economy has been crippled as a result of the pandemic and recovery was squashed by the Biden administration. President Biden’s policies are hurting companies and they are moving these increased costs onto the consumer, despite claims from the administration that this would not happen.