Brazil Prepares Nuclear Bomb Test To Protect Amazon Rights
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russia's Chief of the Armed Forces, General Yury Baluyevsky, has reported to President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin that the South American Nation of Brazil has notified Moscow, China and the Western Powers of its ‘intent’ to detonate its first atomic bomb should any foreign country attempt to interfere in its rights to the vast rainforests of the Amazon region.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva [pictured top left], these reports state, has become increasingly concerned over the West’s belligerent attitude towards the Amazon they call the ‘Lungs of the World’, but what
Little known to the Western peoples is that Brazil, not Iran or Israel, has one of the oldest (since the 1930’s) and secretive nuclear weapons programs in the World, and as long ago as 1987 "had enriched uranium successfully on a laboratory scale to 20 percent".
Brazil can likely expect a Western backlash, these reports continue, over its plan to flood vast areas of the Amazon rainforest, and as we can read as reported by the Scotsman News Service in their article titled “Brazil all set to flood the rainforest”, and which says:
Since 2005, US War Leaders have embarked upon a course of drastically reducing humanitarian aid to
South American Leaders, however, have grown increasingly angrier over the United States actions against their Nations, and have today signed an historic agreement to “create a continental bloc modeled on the European Union”, but to which the Americans believe ‘will not bear fruit’.
Over the past decade, the influence of the United States has been greatly diminished in South America as Native Populist Movements in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Paraguay have seen the ouster of their US backed Military Juntas and the peoples of this vast continent setting upon a course of their own choosing.
Though Colombia remains one of the last bastions of US Military in the region, the peoples of that country have become increasingly disenchanted with their American ‘friends’, especially after evidence emerged that the American fruit giant, Chiquita International, was found to have paid death squads to kill the leaders and organizers united against their slave-wage polices.
Russian Military Analysts state in these reports that the likelihood of US Military aggression against South American Nations remains ‘low’, but do point out that there is ‘strong evidence’ that the Americans may be changing their posture, and which appears to be confirmed by the over flight of a US spy plane in one of Venezuela’s most top secret areas this past week, and to which Venezuelan President Chavez has said was an ‘act of spying’.
Of the greatest concern over these events, however, is that yet another region of our World now appears to be caught in the United States ‘web’ of provoking Total World War among all of our Earth’s Nations.
But, to the most alarming concern is that not only is the United States hastening our World towards Total War, Iran’s President Ahmadinejad, also, appears to share the Americans apocalyptic vision of our future, and as we can read:
And today, as our World tumbles ever closer to the abyss, one can only wonder when the drums of death will sound for us.
Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico