Obama Tells US Military To Prepare For ‘Rapid Destruction’ Of Israel
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that President-Elect Obama has ordered US Military Forces to prepare for the ‘immediate and rapid destruction’ of
President-Elect Obama’s orders to his Military Forces, these reports state, are based upon his belief that the only way for the United States to achieve peace in the Middle East and allow him to withdrawal American Troops is for Israel to return all of the lands they captured during their 1967 war against their Arab neighbors and allow the Palestinian peoples their own country with East Jerusalem as their capital.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert upon being briefed by Obama’s top Foreign Affairs Officials about what is going to be expected of his Nation made an historic call to Israel’s special Knesset session marking the 13th anniversary of Prime Minister Rabin’s assassination to state:
Israeli News Sources are also confirming our earlier reports that Obama Forces have been meeting secretly with Palestinian Hamas Forces to negotiate the immediate establishment of a Palestinian state, and as we can read as reported by the Ynet News Service:
These reports further state that President-Elect Obama’s ‘Worldview’ and antagonism against Israel has its roots in his upbringing in the World’s largest Muslim Nation of Indonesia where many of his friends were street urchins and was honed during his time as a Community Organizer in Chicago where he was befriended by the radical Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan who has stated “when Obama talks the Messiah is absolutely speaking”.
President-Elect Obama’s ‘radical’ plans for the United States are also raising alarms in some quarters with one US Congressman, Paul Broun, warning that “Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist dictatorship”, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service:
It is interesting to note that
Furthering interesting to note is that President-Elect Obama’s plans for the destruction of Israel is being welcomed among the many Evangelical Christian groups in the United States who believe that their ‘Lord’ can only return once Israel’s destruction is about to begin when the World’s armies will meet for their ‘final battle’ against the ‘Chosen People’ on the plains of Armageddon.
Sadly, however, their appears to be no acknowledgement among the American people to the catastrophic dangers they are facing, but then again, this apathy towards their own survival becomes clear by learning of how many of them are on medications for depression.
So, not to the freest peoples in our World does our fate hang today, but to the most drugged.
To be continued…
[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the
Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza,