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Russian Navy and President Medvedev Will Enter the Caribbean Sea Next Week

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Los Angeles, Alta California

November 20, 2008

A Russian flotilla, including the nuclear-powered warship Peter the Greatwill enter the Caribbean Sea next week for naval and military exercises with Venezuela.

The entrance of the Russian Navy into the back yard of the USA is planned to coincide with the arrival of Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in Havana,  Cuba for a meeting on November 27 with Fidel and Raul Castro.  Also  planned is a meeting  with President Hugo Chavez in Caracas, Venezuela.

President Chavez has said that Venezuela will prepare a great welcome  for the Russian Navy.  He said that flags will be flying and orchestras will  be playing the national anthems of both country as the Russian flotilla enters the territorial waters of Venezuela.

It is expected that  President Dmitri Medvedev will also  visit  Bolivia and Brazil.   There have been increasing strong  military and economic ties  between Russia and South America.  Russia is a great friend of the ongoing Bolivarian Revolution in the region.

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La Voz de Aztlan

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