Unspeakable Bloodthirsty Scum Has the Nerve and Conceit to AccuseVenezuela
Headline commentarist Arthur Shaw writes: "President Hugo Chavez' ideological sympathy for the Colombian guerrillas limited Venezuelan cooperation with Colombia in combating terrorism, stated the US State Department in its Country Reports on Terrorism 2008 published on Thursday,"
El Universal, a propaganda quisling in Venezuela of the US capitalist press, repeats the filthy lies and slanders of the savage and barbaric imperialist regime in Washington under Obama ... a regime like its immediate predecessor under Bush, unjustly and falsely accuses the democratic and increasingly proletarian Venezuelan government of being a supporter or helper of terrorism.
US imperialism isn't interested in "combating terrorism," for US imperialism is terrorism. US imperialism doesn't combats itself; thus, US imperialism doesn't combat terrorism.
(Nobody. today, should confuse "US imperialism" and the "US people" ... although lamentably this confusion is the custom or, rather, the fashion. The majority of the US people firmly, consistently ... but not always successfully ... oppose US imperialism.)
The most savage and barbaric instance of terrorism occurring today began six years ago in Iraq at the blood-soaked hands of the US imperialists, the scum of world imperialist movement, whose aggression against the Iraqi people, committed under the pretext of dirty lies about weapons of mass destruction and dirty lies about Iraqi involvement in 9/11, occasioned so far the deaths of over 1,300,000 Iraqi citizens who were 100% innocent of weapons of mass destruction and 100% innocent of any complicity in 9/11.
Here, in a nutshell, is the evidence or the case supporting the incontrovertible reality of unprecedented terrorism and barbarism of US imperialists in Iraq that is continuing today:
(1) A October 2004 scientific study by John Hopkins University (JH I) of war-related mortality found over 100,000 Iraqi deaths after March 2003.
(2) A October 2006 scientific study also by John Hopkins University (JH II) of war-related mortality found over 650,000 Iraqi deaths after March 2003. In both JH I and JH II, over 90% of the respondents in the door-to-door nationwide survey produced certificates of deaths for family members reported to have died from war-related causes.
(3) A September 2007 scientific study by Opinion Business Research (OBR), a research firm based in London, of war-related mortality found over 1,200,000 Iraqi deaths after March 2003. [In 2008, the controversial adoption by Opinion Business Research of certain methodological criticisms relating to its 2007 study resulted in reducing its finding for war-related mortality from 1.2 million to 1 million as of September 2007]
(4) Since January 2008, the US imperialists now prohibits scientific studies, conducted by credible and independent scholars, of the magnitude of the war-related mortality that has resulted from the US imperialist aggression and occupation of Iraq.
[Again, in the most dramatic and overwhelming way, the majority of the US people, in repeated opinion polls and in repeated elections, have opposed this filthy aggression and this vile military occupation of the Iraq and its people by US imperialists and their savage 140,000 US troops and 110,000 US-led mercenaries deployed in Iraq.]
Using monthly rate of terrorist-genocide that US imperialism inflicts on the Iraqi people ... that is to say:
(a) 1,000,000 Iraqi deaths as September 2007 [according to OBR study] divided by 54 months between the March 2003 beginning of the US imperialist aggression and occupation and the September 2007 release of the OBR study produces a monthly rate of terrorist-genocide of 18,500 Iraqi deaths per month.
(b) multiply 18,500 Iraqi deaths per month times the 19 months that have passed since the Sept. 2007 release of OBR study to get an estimated body count since September 2007 to the present of 350,000 Iraq deaths.
(c) 1,000,000 Iraqi deaths as of Sept. 2007 plus 350,000 Iraqi death after September 2007 equal 1.3 million Iraq deaths occasioned by the US imperialist aggression and occupation.
The slime and scum of the world who support, glorify, and extol US imperialism, especially its aggressions and military occupations, either ignore the unprecedented magnitude of US terrorism in Iraq or this slime and scum argue that the victims of US terrorism in this case are "only Arabs" and, in the long term, Nazarene and Zionist countries will benefit greatly from the conquest of oil-rich Iraq which occupies a strategic geographical position in the Middle East.
This unspeakable bloodthirsty scum has the nerve and conceit to accuse Venezuela and its glorious revolution of terrorism.
Arthur Shaw