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Trump Predicts the DOJ IG Report Will be 'Historic,' and Implicate Obama Era Officials

Steve Straub

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 November 22, 2019 


President Trump is now claiming that the soon to be releases DOJ Inspector General report will be “historic” as Reuters reports:

“U.S. President Donald Trump predicted on Friday that a government watchdog report on the origins of the Russia probe that engulfed two years of his presidency will be historic.

Trump, in an interview with Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” was commenting on an upcoming Justice Department watchdog report on the FBI’s adherence to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) requirements during the 2016 campaign.

“The word is it’s historic,” said Trump, who declined to say how he knew. “That’s what I hear. If it’s historic, you’re going to see something.””

Lets hope so!

Meanwhile CNN has admitted that crime was likely committed by the FBI in procuring FISA warrants on Trump aide Carter Page:

It must have really pained the folks over at CNN, but they just were forced to admit the the entire Russian collusion investigation may have been predicated on an FBI agent illegally altering FISA documents that implicated Trump aide Carter Page.

Watch this stunning admission, from CNN:


If people do not go to jail over this, the American people will forever lose trust in their government and the rule of law.

The biggest political scandal in modern American history is about to be exposed and brought to light.

My guess is a lot of people in Washington D.C. are very unhappy today.

Partial transcript:

PEREZ: “This is an investigation that began and found as part of the probe being done by Michael Horowitz, the inspector general for the Justice Department.

What he found was there was an employee at the FBI who altered a document that was used in the preparation for one of the FISA warrants, surveillance warrants that was done against Carter Page, the Trump campaign aide.

This document, whatever changes were made was substantive enough to change the meaning of the document.

We don’t know a lot more about it.

We don’t know without this change if FISA would have been approved or not but it is a substantial change made to this document.

Michael Horowitz confronted this FBI employee during one of the interviews done as part of this review and that person admitted to making that change.

Reuters contributed to this report.