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Trump Tells Acosta how Much Responsibility he Take for Impeachment


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CNN's Jim Acosta asked President Trump how much responsibility he takes for his own impeachment. President Trump was quick to answer with "zero."

According to The Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump claimed that he takes “zero” responsibility for his probable impeachment in a White House exchange with CNN’s Jim Acosta on Tuesday.

“Mr. President, do you take any responsibility for the fact that you are about to be impeached?” Acosta asked.

“No, I don’t take any — zero, to put it mildly,” Trump responded.

“They took a perfect phone call that I had with the president of Ukraine, an absolutely perfect call — you know it, they all know it — nothing was said wrong in that call — to impeach the president of the United States for that, is a disgrace and it’s a mark on our country,” the president said.

Trump also warned that other presidents will have to deal with this partisan impeachment circus if something isn't done about it.