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WRONG: Liberals Thought These 5 Books Would be the END of Trump


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  • 2020-01-28
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff

    The media is always looking for a way to overturn the results of the 2016 election and anytime some jaded person, the random guy off the street, or cowardly Democrat gives them an opportunity to do so they take it. The recent obsession of the media is the leaked portions of John Bolton's book, a man who is very upset about losing his career in the White House, but do not be deceived! The media has tried this trick many times before.     

    Anti-Trump books are written all the time and by a very diverse crowd of characters, some of which are even anonymous and we will never know who they were, but no matter who wrote it the media treats it like the word of God. Let’s not be deceived anymore, here are the other books that the media claimed would bring an end to the Trump presidency:

    1.) Fear: Inside the Trump White House


    Fear: Inside the Trump White House by Bob Woodward was touted as a new window into the Trump presidency that showed America what was really going on inside of the White House. The book was praised by the media as the crown jewel of modern journalism, they nailed that title just right! This book is full of deception, half-truths, and unverified reports just like most modern journalism! 

    To be clear Bob Woodward's book isn’t the worst book the media said would end the Trump Presidency, Woodward's book is largely a compilation of interviews with former and current (at the time the book was written) White House staff. The media is what hyped up these stories as absolute fact but Woodward did little to stop and took his applause from the denizens in the media.


    2.) Fire and Fury

    Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff was another “BOMBSHELL” that was sure to dismantle the Trump administration, well that's what the media claimed at least. As the story grew wilder and the details of the book came out the media soon realized their mistake and began to walk away from their claims that the book was going to destroy the Trump Presidency. 

    In the book, Wolff claimed a variety of things that were seemingly fabricated by his main source for the book Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon had plenty of reason to disparage the White House after he was given the boot by President Trump right after he was inaugurated.   



    3.) Unhinged

    Another book that completely flopped but was said to be the hammer that would crush President Trump was Unhinged by Omarosa. If you remember Omarosa was a White House staff member that Trump kindly hired after they meet while Trump was the host of the apprentice. Despite the constant kindness of the President, Omarosa kept breaking protocol and the rules of the White House to the point where she was eventually fired and barred from the property. 

    Jaded and angry with the President she wrote a book about the President that had only awful things to say about him and the first family, the media picked it up and gave her the starlight for a while. Only a few paid attention to the book and it ultimately failed horribly despite the media giving it the red carpet treatment. 



    4.) A Warning

    A Warning a book written by a person that the public will never get to know was another Trump-ending prophecy. The book was written by an anonymous author that allegedly worked in the White House, of course, this information was “verified” by The New York Times but that means little considering the track record of honesty these so-called journalists have. 

    The very nature of the book allowed whoever wrote it to say whatever they want about the President and his administration. The author obviously only had bad things to say about the President, hence why the media was so quick to pick it up.    



    5.) A Higher Loyalty

     A Higher Loyalty by James Comey is a book many are familiar with and it was written by a man that has been highly scrutinized for his role in the Trump-Russia investigation. James Comey was praised as a patriot by the media for writing this book, an important point to remember with Comey and his book is that it was released in the middle of the Trump-Russia investigation. It came out at a time where the media was pretending that this investigation was going to lead to the imprisonment of Trump. Thankfully they got it wrong as usual and Comey ended up with egg on his face.