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Police Arrest Crazed Man Threatening to Assassinate President Trump


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Police arrested a man near the White House who told police he was there to assassinate President Trump.

According to Town Hall:

The Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. arrested 25-year-old Roger Hedgpeth on Saturday after allegedly telling a Secret Service officer that he was there to assassinate President Donald Trump, the Associated Press reported.

The Secret Service officer was patrolling the grounds outside the White House between 15th St. NW and Pennsylvania Ave. NW when Hedgpeth made the statement. 

"I am here to assassinate President Donald Trump,” Hedgpeth told the Secret Service agent, according to the police report. “I have a knife to do it with."

Once the suspect was placed under arrest, police found an empty holster for a firearm on his right hip and a 3 1/2-inch knife in a sheath located on his left hip.

The man was taken for a mental health evaluation and will remain in mental health custody until further notice.