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  • 2020-02-24
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff

    President Trump took a trip to India to visit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the event went over exceedingly well! This state visit has earned another spot on Trump’s list of wins! It was not long ago that Trump welcomed Prime Minister Modi into the country with the Howdy Modi event. Modi made sure to give Trump similar treatment when he came to India. Here are the highlights from Trump’s trip to India:    


    1.) Namaste Trump


    The Namaste Trump event played out just like the Howdy Modi event Trump threw for Prime Minister Modi. Speeches were given, large crowds were present, it was just like a Trump rally but it was in another country. Trump made sure to give his thanks to the people of India for welcoming him to their country. 

    2.) Taj Mahal

    © Asitjain / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0


    President Trump and First Lady Melania visited the world-famous Taj Mahal just after they had left the Namaste Trump event. Accompanying the President and the First Lady was Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. The Taj Mahal is an extremely important cultural site for the country and it's very rare to see a foreign dignitary visit it. 

    3.) Helicopter Deal


    Trump was able to strike a deal with the Indian government while he was there and gave celebratory remarks while at the Namaste Trump event. India will buy $3 billion in state of the art helicopter technology as well as other various pieces of tech from the United States. This deal is a major win for both parties!    


    4.) Fighting Islamic Terrorism


    While in India Trump highlighted the joint effort between the United States and India to fight radical Islamic terrorism. Trump talked about the efforts to curb radical Islamic terrorism in India’s neighbor, Pakistan. 


    5.) Poverty Speech

    Narendra Modi via ( Wikipedia Commons


    Trump made sure to wish India well during his speech and congratulated the nation on its efforts to curb poverty in recent years. For those who don’t follow international politics, India has made a steady effort over the past 15 years to curb it's poverty rates and it has had major success in doing so.