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D.C. government workers refusing to move to Colorado

WND Staff

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 March 14, 2020

D.C. government workers refusing to move to Colorado

Fewer than half of BLM employees accept relocation of bureau

Colorado boasts of being the ideal winter playground, with its world-class ski slopes, and the Rocky Mountains provide plenty of outdoor activities in the summertime as well.

Nevertheless, only about half of the employees of the Bureau of Land Management have agreed to move to Colorado as the agency moves from the nation's capital.

The news site Government Executive reports173 workers at the agency received letters reassigning them to Grand Junction, Colorado, or other state offices.

But only 80 have accepted.

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Interior Secretary David Bernhardt said the agency already is hiring replacements.

The BLM decided to move to Colorado because nearly all the land it manages is in the West.

Trump administration officials also have explained the move will lower lease payments and cut travel costs, the report said.

"BLM employees have told Government Executive that even some of those who have accepted their reassignments are still looking for jobs in Washington and will come back home as soon as possible. Many employees have already found new jobs and left the agency. The workers all suggested morale at the Washington office has plummeted, mistrust of leadership has grown and a sinking feeling that the Trump administration is seeking to sideline important work has set in," the report said.

The Grand Junction Sentinel reportedbureaucrats in the Government Accountability Office have raised objections to the Trump administration's decision to move the office.

The GAO claimed the BLM hasn't followed "key practices" in its work.

"Although BLM's reorganization is well underway, (the Department of) Interior has an opportunity to apply key practices for effective agency reforms as it continues to relocate BLM staff and considers reorganizing its other bureaus. Adopting effective practices for agency reform will help Interior ensure that the bureaus are well positioned to achieve intended reform goals and continue to deliver valuable services to the taxpayer," the GAO reported contended.

A Democrat and Trump critic, Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona, demanded the review.

He said, following the GAO criticism, that the Trump administration "cannot be trusted with the levers of power."

BLM officials said Grijalva's assertions were faulty.

There are about 40 jobs in Grand Junction's headquarters office.