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Hours After Trump Sets Easter Deadline – Donald’s Approval Rating Takes A Turn Toward the Sky

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March 25, 2020


The virus outbreak took the world by storm. But President Trump has taken extraordinary action to win this war.

It’s no secret we were blindsided by this outbreak. Extreme measures were taken to blunt the scourge of this disease.

Trump mobilized every agency and resource of the federal government in the battle. But the most extreme measure, shutting down the economy, can’t last forever.

The president himself expressed his hope to see us back to work by Easter. And he’s even said we’ll come roaring back, once we’re clear of this crisis.

How are Americans responding to his leadership? Well, get a load of these numbers.

From Daily Wire:

Gallup’s new study finds that Trump’s approval among U.S. adults has jumped 5 points since earlier this month, surging from 44 to 49% approval…

“Americans give the president generally positive reviews for his handling of the situation, with 60% approving and 38% disapproving,” Gallup reports.

Wo The Gallup poll—which is hardly a friend to Trump—announced his approval jumped by five points during the month of March.

March, of course, has been the pretty tough month. Through this month, we’ve seen the crisis explode. We’ve been plunged into a totally unprecedented period of our history.

Yet Trump’s strong leadership has impressed Americans. A total of sixty percent of the country approve of Trump’s handling of the crisis.

Every day for the last few weeks, Trump has appeared before America with updates. His task force is moving heaven and earth to aid state and local communities.

He is mobilizing the military, businesses, and federal agencies. And he’s offering hope in the midst of a dark time.

On top of that, he continues to battle the daily barrage of negative news from the MSM.

Even partisan Americans can’t deny the effort he’s put into this crisis. They are seeing a president who, years ago, vowed to put Americans first.

And despite this crisis, he’s doing just that.