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To Pope Francis: No Deal.


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  • 2020-04-27
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff

The media has been going crazy over the past few days because Trump had canceled then scheduled a press conference. This nonsense is on the level of pettiness only found at schoolyard playgrounds, it is childlike. The media is once again just whipping up another batch of drama to drive traffic to their networks, it's especially sad because there is so much they just won't cover. Here is what they will never cover, the President's Schedule:

1.) The Day Begins Early

Gage Skidmore ( Via Flickr

Trump is an early riser, even in a fake news hit piece they admitted he gets up before 6 am every day. Many American’s have to do this every day and Trump is no different, the early bird gets the worm as they say.

2.) Late Into The Night

President Trump doesn’t just start early, he goes to bed late as well. Many who have worked in the White house recall him staying up late into the night working on things and doing general paperwork. This is an almost inhuman way to live and really make one wonder just how much mental stamina the President has.


3.) Meeting and Working Lunches

Trump has plenty of meetings to engage in and some of these happen during the lunch hour. Trump is constantly meeting with congressional leadership, cabinet members, and more. This is all part of the parcel of being the President of the United States.

 4.) Press Conferences

Press Conferences are a low priority for the President, this isn’t a result of the poor treatment his staff and him get when they do them, this is because meeting with foreign leaders, state leaders, and his cabinet takes priority.

5.) Travel

The President needs to be traveling constantly in order to keep up with the modern world. Whether it is traveling internationally or across the country the President has to take time out of his day in order to get around.


6.) Subject to Change

By Dan Scavino Jr. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Every part of Trump's busy day is subject to change, this is just how the office works for any President. Sometimes things will happen internationally that require immediate attention, the recent ongoing in North Korea and the Coronavirus are great examples of things that take the President's attention away from day to day affairs.


7.) Fighting Leaks

The highly detailed ongoings of the President are kept close to the chest for multiple reasons, national security and the constant leaks this administration has been facing are among those reasons. Few within the White House have a detailed schedule of the Presidents day to day routine, most staff just see “executive time” and “meeting with X” on the schedule.