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Trump Gained Support From These Groups in 2020 and Liberals Are Furious

Sally Kent

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The left has spent countless time and resources to convince voters that former President Trump is a racist and a sexist. Every left-leaning news network was focused on driving that point home to viewers but recent data shows that their attempts fell flat in the 2020 election. To liberals dismay data shows that Trump gained support with women and people of color in the 2020 election.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Newly released data show that the majority of former President Donald Trump’s supporters in the 2020 election were women and people of color.

The share of Trump voters who were women or people of color in last year’s election was 57.2%, up from 54.8% in 2016, according to newly released data from Catalist. The former president also increased his support among all racial demographics in 2020, with the exception of white men, making a 7-point gain among nonwhite women, a 4-point gain with nonwhite men, a 1-point gain with white women, and a 1-point loss among white men.

The data also showed that Trump enjoyed a large increase in support among Latino voters, though Democrats still captured a majority of the group.

“Along with massive increases in turnout, Latino vote share as a whole swung towards Trump by 8 points in two-way vote share compared to 2016, though Biden-Harris still enjoyed solid majority (61%) support among this group,” Catalist wrote in its analysis of the data. “Some of the shift from 2016 appears to be a result of changing voting preferences among people who voted in both elections, and some may come from new voters who were more evenly split in their vote choice than previous Latino voters. This question presents particularly challenging data analysis problems, which we discuss more in a dedicated section below.”



Twitter screenshot from AMS staff



Unfortunately for the left, it seems their constant attempts to tell people of color and women they must support Democrats or their traitors to their race or sex has backfired.