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Study Finds Nearly 40% of All Stories About Joe Biden Mention Donald Trump

Sally Kent

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May 27, 2021

The media is addicted to former President Trump and a new study finds they aren’t ready to give him up anytime soon. A study by Pew Research Center determined that nearly 40% of all stories about President Biden mention his predecessor at least once.

Pew analyzed media coverage of President Biden’s first 60 days from all legacy media outlets from the far-left to the far-right and everything in between. The results were conclusive, there would be no President Biden had there been no Trump and the media can’t forget it.

According to The Daily Wire:


Trump figured into 72% of all stories the first week of the Biden presidency, and as many as half of all stories for the first six weeks of the newly inaugurated Biden administration.

Trump’s media mentions topped 40% in each of the last two weeks of the study.

However, Pew Research noted the one type of story where the media carefully decided to leave out Trump’s name. Stories involving Covid-19 and the fact much of Biden’s successful response to the virus was piggybacked off of the Trump administration’s work.

The media mentioned President Trump in the majority (56%) of all stories that had nothing to do with the coronavirus global pandemic, and in even more (61%) of the stories that mentioned COVID-19 “in a minor way,” according to Pew.

“But the percentage falls to 34% among stories that mentioned COVID-19 in a major way,” Pew noted.

Since taking office, the Biden administration has repeatedly attempted to take credit for Trump’s work with Covid-19 and vaccines and the media has given him a free pass to do so. Biden has claimed the success of the vaccine rollout but forgets to admit the major role Trump’s Operation Warp Speed played. Then Biden set the goal to administer 100 million vaccinations to Americans, a goal that was already on track to happen under the Trump administration.