nateFrom Givingthe UNControlOver EverythingAbout theOceans!Here’sthesituation.TheSenate islikelyto ratify a1982 U.N. treatygoverningtheuse of theworld’soceansdespitegrumblingfrom a more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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Stop the Senate From Giving the UN Control Over All Activity On, Over, & Undwer the Oceas & Seas

The John Birth Society

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"on">nate From Giving the UN Control Over Everything About the Oceans!

Here’s the situation.

The Senate is likely to ratify a 1982 U.N. treaty governing the use of the world’s oceans despite grumbling from a few conservative GOP senators. (CQ Today, Oct. 31, 2007)

You read it right. The Senate is poised to ratify the UN's Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), which would give regulatory jurisdiction over the world’s oceans and seas to a United Nations body, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

This is the organization famous for its corrupt oil-for-food scandal. This is the organization that consistently votes against American interests.

Here’s how the UN describes the importance of LOST:

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ... is perhaps one of the most significant but less recognized 20th century accomplishments in the arena of international law.... Its scope is vast: it covers all ocean space, with all its uses, including navigation and overflight; all uses of all its resources, living and non-living, on the high seas, on the ocean floor and beneath, on the continental shelf and in the territorial seas; the protection of the marine environment; and basic law and order.... The Convention is widely recognised by the international community as the legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and the seas must be carried out. ("25th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea," Oct. 17, 2007)

So you see just how comprehensive the LOST treaty is. It provides the legal framework within which all activities on, over, and under the oceans and the seas must be carried out.

  • In other words, the LOST treaty would give the UN jurisdiction over everything, EVERYTHING, concerning the oceans and seas of the earth.
  • Everything would certainly include military and commercial uses of the oceans and seas. How do you think the anti-American UN would rule on U.S. Air Force planes and U.S. Navy ships using the oceans for military purposes? What would this mean for our national security? How about our commercial airliners flying over the oceans? How about the necessary transportation between our mainland states and Hawaii? And, on and on.
  • We would not have veto power protection in the UN’s International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea like we do in the Security Council. We’d have one vote among a membership of over 150 nations.
  • Phone your senators today and tell the appropriate staff members firmly that your senators must NOT ratify LOST. Follow the talking points supplied in the message you'll see when you enter your ZIP code and click on the "Call Now" box. (Here's a link to the LOST Capwiz Alert with the "Call Now" box:

  • Forward this alert to your sphere of influence, especially leaders and members of other organizations that believe in preserving American sovereignty and security, and convince them to contact their senators and use the talking points supplied when they fill in their ZIP code and click on the "Call Now" box. 

This vote on LOST is arguably the most important vote the Senate will cast this year. Think about the terrible legacy of UN control of the oceans this treaty would create.

Our personal freedom and security depend on preserving our national sovereignty and security by winning this fight against LOST!

Take action by clicking on this link:

Thank you,

The John Birch Society

Standing for family and freedom since 1958