Elwood 'Sandy' Sanders
I reported yesterday about the RNC resolution against Agenda 21 that actually mentions ICLEI as the agency implementing Agenda 21.
I got GOOD NEWS! The anti-Agenda 21 resolution was unanimously, yes without dissent, PASSED! RAH! (If my family weren’t here I’d be jumping and cheering around the house like a madman!) Here’s the report:
Great news. Some have seen my FB note about the Indiana committeeman verifying that the RNC passed a resolution exposing UN Agenda 21, unanimously. This is true. (See attached). Now Oklahoma also verifies it. See below correspondence from Robert Semands, Govern Edmond Locally spokeperson, and please repost. Let’s hold our GOP elected officials at all levels accountable to adhere to this RNC resolution. Are they Republican or not? Time to hold them accountable.
This blogger also reports that last October, an even better resolution was passed by the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (a staunchly conservative group) that cites the unconstitutionality of joining ICLEI:
RESOLVED, that Article one, Section ten of the Constitution prohibits any State or subordinate governmental body from contracting with nondomestic entities such as ICLEI; and be it
RESOLVED, that the NFRA shall not endorse a candidate or elected official including the office of President that refuses to oppose the same.
I’d written it differently but the NFRA is correct! Maybe now a GOP Attorney General will look into the constitutionality of ICLEI membership by the communities in its state. Thanks to NOlathe and WE the people USA for the story!